Album Review :
Jesus Wept "Show's Over"

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Band: Jesus Wept
Album: Show’s Over
Label: Strike First Records
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Review by: Brandon Jones

Since I don’t get free copies of cds from the mighty Facedown any more, I took matters into my own hands and actually bought my own copy of this album from the very cool Facedown store. What arrived on my doorstop just about 2 days later was an awe inducing collection of songs that I was unprepared for. Bombastic, Tight, Anthemic hardcore with strains of rock with the intensity of passion unmatched. This album has all the signs of hardcore fury but delivers on the premise of love and understanding. No really, this is hardcore with heart. Sure there are the tough guy moments, the chugga chuggas, but apart from this, something just separates the disc from the litters of others I have laying around my room. “Show’s Over” begins the disc with it’s straight ahead hardcore blast of intensity. This song gets you in the mood and ready for what’s to come. My personal favorite comes up next, “Blackout”, which pits hardcore guitars with gang vocals and a, gasp, singing section. No really, there is singing on a tough guy record. Wow, imagine that. I told you there was something unique about these guys. The singing doesn’t last long but suits it’s purpose just fine. “Break Me” leads the charge again. With lyrics like

“Bring on calamity so you’ll be around. I know I’ve tried and I know that I’ve failed you everyday. I look to you for light to guide my way”.

A Simple song but fitting ,and a prime example of a band unashamed about where they stand. “Human Wasteland”, another personal favorite, leads up next. This is a song about brokenness and the wasteland that human nature has led itself to. An awesome song. . “Broken Crown” follows suit. A track about leading the charge for truth and the struggle with the arrogant mind, one that thinks it’s right. “Dedicated” and “Against the Grain” fill out the mid section of this album and slam you in the face with pure hardcore rock bliss. Straight up! The defining Jesus Wept song brings up the pure passion and integrity behind this disc. The reason behind the band and the reason they write what they do. “OMG” is the track and yeah it may look childish but it’s so much more than that. Conviction, pure conviction bleeds from this song, and it’s this passion that keeps me listening:

“Oh my God, fill me with your power and might (this I pray) I take refuge in you. I seek you everyday, save me, deliver me from all my enemies. I call your name O My God!”

I don’t care if it sounds simplistic. There is a sense of innocence there in those lyrics and a sense of hope. It’s what keeps many of us going along on this journey we call life. I look to the power of music sometimes to bring me a glimpse of hope and in these words I find it.

Tracks 9-12 are amazing. Track 12 being the closer and quite a closer it is. A song about the fight of life amidst persecution, trials, and the suffering that springs to life around you. A soundtrack for the end times. Heck ya!

The band combines elements of hardcore along with strains of rock and even some old school punk thrown in for good measure. If you’re looking for comparisons I’d say: Life of Agony, All Out War, Six Feet Deep, and stretching it a bit…Danzig. Their influences are all over the map and so is their music.

All in all, this is a very admirable record. I wasn’t expecting to thoroughly enjoy it as much as I do. Every once in a while a record comes along that sparks a glimmer of hope and that record is “Show’s Over” by Jesus Wept. There is hope in their music and hope in what they write. Sure it’s hardcore but for those that feel beat up in the game of life and are seeking hope, then this album is for you. Jesus Wept carry the torch from spirit filled bands of the past and run with it, to spark a new generation in their footsteps. Inspirational Hardcore.

Facedown, you need to put every ounce of your promotion into this band for they have a bright future ahead of them. They should be bumped up to “Facedown Records” and have the same advertising as your biggest bands. Jesus Wept need to be heard and I think their influence on the hardcore scene will be staggering. This is only my opinion but I think others would agree. Yeah?

Score: 9/10
Replay Value: Are you kidding me? This thing is blowing my speakers out!
Shirt Factor: Yeah I’d totally buy one

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