Album Review :
Demise Of Eros - Neither Storm...

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Band: Demise Of Eros
Title: Neither Storm, Nor Quake, Nor Fire
Label: Strike First Records
Release Date: 8/22/06
Review By: Josh IndieVision


01. Overtaken
02. Means To Grasp
03. Thirst
04. Engraved On My Palms
05. Interlude
06. Reach For The Sky, Punk
07. Waking Eyes
08. One Too Many Times
09. Scream For Me, Brazil!
10. Truth Unlived
11. Of Ages Past (Solaxative)


Darren Belajac: Vocals
Steve Stout: Guitar, Vocals
John Erickson: Guitar
Will Curtis: Bass
Joey Solak: Drums

The band known as Demise Of Eros formed in Pittsburgh in the latter end of 2003. The band released a demo and then soon after released an EP in the summer of 2005. Obviously this gained them the attention they wanted and soon after were signed to Strike First Records. The band has built quite a reputation in the Pittsburgh area and actually have been dubbed “the best metal band ever to come out of Pittsburgh” by WXDX FM 105.9.

“Overtaken” takes off with some chugging and then into a speedier dual guitar attack. This dual guitar approach is used throughout most of the songs and is a welcomed treated. I’m always a fan of harmonized guitar work. The band employs the typical weapons of metalcore: speed, crushing breakdowns, and cleanly sung parts. The shows off their “softer” side on a few interludes (“Interlude” and “Scream For Me, Brazil”). A piano is used to wrap up the album but I didn’t quite feel his vocals molded well with that ending. To wrap up their sound I’d say just read the “Similar To” section and you’ll get it.

The band definitely has talent but need a guiding hand to direct their abilities into a smoother result. As of right now, the potential can be seen, but the band probably wont be able to stand out amongst the hordes of metalcore groups out there. I look at this album the same way I looked at War Of Ages’ debut. You could hear the overflowing potential of WOA but they needed to really clean up their sound and work out a few kinks, which they successfully did. Demise Of Eros, with the same work effort, have the same bright future ahead of them!

Standout Tracks: “Engraved On My Palms”, “One Too Many Times”, “Truth Unlived”

Individual Ratings:

Lyrics: Topics include: those who are reluctant to call on God (“Thirst”), allowing the crowd to sway your life (“Truth Unlived”), and a plea to God “Of Ages Past (Solaxative)”

Marketability: It’ll be hard for DOE to stand out in the crowd even though they’re quite talented. There are hundreds of metalcore bands out there and a group really needs to do quite a bit to move ahead of the rest. This band needs to be on the road constantly.

Similar To: War Of Ages, Unearth, As I Lay Dying

Strike First Records

Buy: Strike F

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