Album Review :
With Blood Comes Cleansing - Horror

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Band: With Blood Comes Cleansing
Title: Horror
Label: Victory
Release Date: 1.22.08
Review By: JoshIVM


01. Intro
02. Hematidrosis
03. Condemned
04. Forsaken
05. Filthy Stains
06. The Suffering
07. Blood And Fire
08. Abaddon’s Horde
09. Horror
10. Carinverous Consumption
11. Damnation
12. Eternal Reign


Dean Atkinson: Vocals
Jeremy Sims: Guitar
Scott Erickson: Guitar
Dennis Frazier: Bass
Matt Fidler: Drums

I can’t tell how you much I was anticipating the new release from With Blood Comes Cleansing!. Their debut on Blood & Ink had been one of my favorite discs in 2006. The band shortly after that lost their vocalist though and we all know how deadly that can be to a band. The band was picked up by the huge Victory Records and with their new vocalist planned to take the world by storm.

Upon first listen my fears of failure were brushed aside. I actually prefer Dean’s vocals to the former vocalist. He has a broad range and implements it wisely. His guttural lows are perfect and his high-pitched squeals are not as annoying as many bands. The mid-range level boasts a more hardcore feel to them. He has a perfect sound for this album! The album is incredibly enjoyable though I don’t feel the band grew a whole lot in the two years. The music is good but not great. There are parts that hint of a band brimming with potential, but they just do not take it to the next level. Regardless of this fact I have found myself listening to this album nearly a dozen times since receiving it. The lyrics are worth checking out (on Myspace) but you will be hard pressed to decipher them while listening. Some parts are easier, especially the hardcore chants.

Horror is an intensely brutal album! The heaviness fills the air around you as you listen. The production is flawless. My only complaint is that there is a lack of variety between the songs. Many follow the same song-writing pattern. Fast picking here, floor shaking breakdown here, etc. In spite of that fact it is surprising that it still hits hard upon each listen. While listening you can’t help but enjoy it. It is after the songs finish that you will sit back and realize that you’ve heard things like this before. I, unlike most reviewers, try not to judge based on what’s new and fresh because I would have to set aside a lot of albums I enjoyed if I took that stance. Has WBCC placed themselves on the top of the deathcore pile? By all means no. But they have released what will probably be one of the more enjoyable records this year, if not the past few years. Although I was hoping for the band to take a bigger step on their sophmore effort this will indeed gain them more exposure and fans.

Overall Rating: I couldn’t give this a 10 because I don’t think it was necessarily a step up from the last album. But it is one of the more addicting albums I’ve heard in the last year. I cannot seem to stop listening to it. And what’s more I enjoy it every time. They have released an incredible album and one you should pick up! (9/10)

Standout Tracks: “Condemned”, “Blood And Fire”

Victory Records

Buy: Interpunk

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