Ryan Clark of Demon Hunter

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How close are we to getting to hear some new DH songs?

Well, the record is being mixed right now, but I would assume we’ll be posting new songs online very soon after the new year.

In comparison to the previous Demon Hunter albums, will this by your heaviest, fastest, most aggressive record yet?

It’s cliche to say, but 100% yes. I think that will be a very obvious thing to people that hear it. We’re definitely still working with the DH formula of groove-oriented heavy mixed with melodic… but the heavy is usually faster this time around. And the melodic tends to be a little darker, little moodier.

With all the member changes, was there any ever thought given to, this might be the end of Demon Hunter?

No. That never entered my mind. I see no end in sight. That might change in the future, you never know… but as it stands right now, I can see myself doing this until I’m an old man.

Some IVM readers wanted to know more of the background and experience of Patrick Judge and Randy Torres.

Well, Patrick was a friend of our drummer Yogi, and the two of them spent a little time together playing for a band in Nashville called The Becoming. Patrick did some tech work for us in 2008, and he’s such an insane guitar player and an amazing guy in general, that when we actually needed to fill a guitarist spot, he was a total shoe-in. His skill level, especially for his age, is shocking.

We’ve known Randy for a few years, and he lives in Seattle now, so when we played a few shows this year, he was available and interested in helping us out. However, Randy was just filling in and we have since officially filled the spot with a buddy from North Carolina named Ryan Helm. Ryan plays in another Solid State band called The Ascendicate, whom I helped sign to the label a few years ago. Ryan’s a great guy and we’re really stoked to have him in the DH family.

What was it about these two guys that made them Demon Hunter material?

Honestly, personality is a huge thing for us. We like to have fun doing this and we see it as much more than a job. Obviously they have to be able to play the material well, and have a decent amount of experience playing live, but more than that for us is how we vibe off of one another. We like to be as tight-knit as possible.

So with the new members, does this mean that you guys might tour a little more?

Well, we’re still lining up tour plans for 2010, and it’s looking like we will be out a little more frequently. However, there are some of us still in the band that can’t be on the road all the time.

What bands are you guys listening to now?

This year, I’ve been obsessed with Throwdown “Deathless,” Alice In Chains “Black Gives Way To Blue,” Bury Your Dead “It’s Nothing Personal,” White Lies “To Lose My Life,” Living Things “Habeas Corpus,” Coalesce “OX,” Mastodon “Crack The Skye” and Napalm Death “Time Waits For No Slave” to name just a few.

Has anything ever embarrassing ever happened to you guys on stage?

On the last day of last year’s tour, the guys in the other bands (as well as the crew from DH) pulled a prank on us when we hit the stage. Every night we hit the stage during this epic sample from the movie 300. It ends with the famous line, “Tonight, we dine in Hell!” and then we kick into the first song. On this night however, our sound guy, Josh, took out that quote, and replaced  it with the song “It’s Raining Men.” At that point, all of the guys from the other bands ran onto stage with their shirts off and danced around us. I was a little tough to kick right into “Storm The Gates Of Hell” after that.

What is the craziest pit you have caused?

We’ve played a few festivals where you have these pits all around the crowd, happening simultaneously. That’s pretty amazing to see from stage.

What has been your favorite show and what made it your favorite?

Man, I’ve played a lot of really fun shows. One that stands out to me at the moment was the last time we were in Dallas. There’s just such a vibe there. The fans go off. They love some metal down in Texas.

Everyone has music in their library that they are embarrassed of, care to tell us what you might have in your library or snitch on anyone else in Demon Hunter?

I’ve never really been one to feel guilty about what I listen to. I like so many different styles of music. I got over the need to please others with my music taste after high school. With that said, I listen to a lot of British pop rock. Bands like Elbow, Doves, South, The Cooper Temple Clause, I Am X, Athlete, The Hours, Biffy Clyro, The Black Ghosts, The Divine Comedy, Feeder, Editors, Pulp, The Music, Hard-Fi, Placebo, and of course the more popular bands like Radiohead, Oasis, Blur, etc.

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