Album Review :
Sons of God - The Genesis Prologue EP

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Artist: Sons of God
Album: The Genesis Prologue EP
Label: Come&Live!
Release Date: February 8, 2010
Review by: Michael Mayer III


  1. Doubt
  2. Manipulators
  3. Caution

The Genesis Prologue is a taste of things to come from the debut band, Sons of God. Recently signed to the up and coming label Come&Live!, they are ready to put their stamp on the industry. The only unfortunate thing is we only have three songs to tide us over until they release their debut album later in the year. Still, these are three very complete and powerful songs to help give an idea of what to expect and you don’t want to be left out in the dark on these guys.

‘Doubt’ starts things off with a fluid guitar line as the drums crash in. Immediately you’ll notice the vocals from Aaron are not only impressive but addicting. I really can’t find a solid comparison as to who he sounds like since he has a unique voice. Backing vocals soar in the chorus and give the song a larger-than-life feel. When everything slows down about halfway through you can tell this is no typical song structure used but rather the song naturally flows as it feels it should. The buildup, with the backing vocals, clapping, and creative drumming, go a long way in making that possible.

‘Manipulators’ easily has one of the most addictive choruses I have heard. The lyrics are sung with such a clear passion and conviction on top of the vocal hook used that it is impossible not to love. Speaking of the lyrics, these guys aren’t afraid of singing about their beliefs by any means. The guitars have a very full and organic sound to them comparable to bands like mewithoutYou, As Cities Burn and Thrice. All of which just serve to add texture and depth to the tracks so they are so much more than standard hard rock fare.

‘Caution’ is a very unique track and one that feels like an epic album closer. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were the last track on their debut album whenever it’s released. Autotune is used minimally but, before you groan in disapproval, just know it is used lightly enough to perfectly compliment in the song. The slower, melancholic tone meshes perfectly with the vocals to stir the listener’s emotions and sweep them away in the atmosphere. A fantastic climax finishes things off as Aaron passionately sings “When will it end, sin will become our friend and in the deepest part of our heart will win. We have made grace into our game, capturing hearts and making slaves, provoking everything we’d ever worked to gain.” For all of those reasons ‘Caution’ is easily one of my favorite songs I have had the fortune of hearing.

Overall: The bottom line here is The Genesis Prologue must be owned by anyone who enjoys spirit-filled hard rock chock full of passion and emotion. Fans of Thrice and fellow label-mates So Long Forgotten will find a lot to love here as well. If this EP is to serve as an appetizer then my mouth is watering for the main course album to come later in the year.


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