Album Review :
180 OUT - Black & White

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Band: 180 OUT
Title: Black & White
Label: Thumper Punk Records
Release Date: October 11, 2012
Reviewer: Jessica Cooper

Track Listing:

  1. Lifeguard
  2. Black & White
  3. Big Dollar Man
  4. Listing To Me
  5. I Don’t Understand
  6. He Wants To Know You
  7. Love Speaks Truth
  8. What If You’re Wrong
  9. I Will Wait
  10. My God Is Bigger

Black & White is just a fun record. There’s so much in this that totally captivates its audience. The lyrics are truthful and straight to the point, speaking of all that waits for those who are in Christ. The classic elements of punk from five different generations are incorporated. Each track is driving and catchy, and the vocals are well-harmonized and reflect the energy of the entire album.

I think there’s a lot to be said about albums like this, that seem to flawlessly rise up to expectations of not just the punk genre itself, but also to past variations like 50’s rockabilly and 70’s funk. Songs like “Black & White” and “My God Is Bigger” really show that. Then there’s “Listen To Me” that so closely models 80’s rock, with a modern punk twist. “He Wants To Know You” is a very driven, simple track that reflects this style as well. Everything about this album is pretty put together, though it incorporates so many different styles.

There are a few lyrics that really stood out to me:

“I paint this picture for you in black and white / for God so love the world, he sent his son to die / Jesus, nailed to the cross, became the sacrifice / Our sins forgiven, we can have eternal life in paradise.” – “Black & White”

“You say you want him and you need him / But you won’t serve him or believe in him / I’ve heard you say ‘I hope God saves a place for me’ / I still can’t figure you out and all the nonsense you always spew out / You want his grace but only in emergency.” – “I Don’t Understand”

“Lord I give you everything / I want to stay true, so I will wear your ring / God please guide me, I don’t want to lose / Help me be faithful to the one you choose.” – “I Will Wait”

Overall: This album is very cohesive in its style, and has a consistency that still holds attention. The father-son-daughter trio really knows how to write music that I believe will undoubtedly climb the list of favorites for all punk fans. Their lyrics are very direct and focused on specific, individual themes, like God’s grace, the importance of waiting, and a basic understanding of the Gospel. Transitions between songs are smooth, and production quality is top notch, giving Black & White a stand-out appeal to its audience. This release doesn’t sound like a classic punk piece, but because of how inclusive it is with different generations, that totally works. The sound is very clear, crisp, and balanced. I think a few different groups of people will be able to relate to this album. Download it on Bandcamp or the Thumper Punk Records webstore.

RIYL: Stellar Kart, Blink 182, Chuck Berry, MxPx, Children 18:3, punk.

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