Album Review :
New Waters - Lions ep

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Band: New Waters
Album: Lions ep
Label: Blood & Ink
Release: 2/12/13
Reviewer: Brody

  1. Empty Grave
  2. Man and the World
  3. Wave
  4. Manifest
  5. Old Heart, New Heart
  6. The New Beginning

I am aware that most readers here at IVM were devastated upon hearing the news of Advent departing from the music world and moving on to other things. Finnish band, New Waters should be able to quench some of the undying thirst die hard Advent fans have been dealing with since the departure of their beloved band (See what I did there?).

Empty Grave begins with a symphony of feedback and battering drums, leading into Converge esque guitar riffs, complete with a short and sweet breakdown tagging on at the end of the song. This track is what reminds me most of Advent as the riffs to the tone sound as though they could be unreleased demos from the band. Even the vocalist is reminiscent to Musten except at a slightly higher pitch.

Man and the World is my favorite on the record, keeping the energy high, never taking a break where Empty Grave left off. While the focal point of the song is the circle pit inducing riffs, there is an underlying, technical lead weaving in and out of the dissonance, emerging only for a brief and air guitar worthy solo.

Manifest begins with almost tribal feeling drums and gritty bass, before being joined by a southern feeling riff. The vocalist kicks things off with a gravelly yell rather than his normal hoarse scream keeping things interesting. The tribal drums return towards the bridge of the song along with backup percussion that give an old Living Sacrifice feel.

The New Beginning is the longest track on the record, and the only clocking in above 3:30. With the longer time span, this song really takes its time to develop and become fully fleshed out. Right off the bat, the band is able to show they are capable of making more than just noise as the guitars and bass become a flurry of hammer-ons, pull offs, and mind boggling riffs, while the drums keep a steady punk beat in between the variety of fills.

Overall: While the majority of these songs were interesting and memorable, a couple just fell through the cracks keeping this from being a perfect release. However, the sheer skill that is apparent keeps me interested in hearing more from these guys. When you’re able to tell they can master their instruments and make more than just noise in this genre, good things are usually in store.

RIYL: Advent / Converge / Maranatha

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