Hannah Rose

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I recently had the opportunity to interview up and coming new artist Hannah Rose via email, who just recently signed to DREAM Records. We talked about her debut self-titled album releasing May 7th 2013, as well as plans for the rest of 2013 and the musical influences that have created this album as well. We also touched upon her first radio single ‘Sea Of Love’ and the story behind it, as well as her favourite songs to write and record. One of the most anticipated new artists signed to DREAM Records this year (along with Steve Hare, Silverline, Crave and Kingdom), be sure to check out this interview below and review of Hannah’s self titled debut album being posted on IVM in a few days.

Question 1: This is your debut self-titled album on DREAM Records. How was it creating your first album, and what can people expect when listening to it for the first time?

Creating this album was such an amazing experience. I have dreamt of recording an album and having a music career since I was a little girl so the process of making the CD was surreal. It was much harder then I expected it to be, but it makes me appreciate it that much more and I am so proud of the finished product. When listening to the album, people will be encouraged to dream big and love more!

Question 2: Your musical sound is very contemporary pop, with your vocals sounding similar to Brittany Hargest of Jump5 fame and the now disbanded pop group Cadia. If you were to describe your musical sound to someone who hasn’t heard your music before, what would you say?

Great question!  Because I want to be current, my music involves synths, electronic beats and layered vocals to create a full sound that captivates the listener. What sets it apart are the lyrics of the songs. I write about my experiences and I feel the words are something people can relate to.

Question 3: Who has influenced you the most growing up in the area of music? Which artists have inspired you on your journey and have influenced your writing and singing style, shaping you to be the artist you are today?

My dad has influenced me the most. He is the reason I started singing and preforming and without him, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Britt Nicole has been one of my favorite contemporary Christian artists and growing up listening to her music (along with others like BarlowGirl, Superchick, and Krystal Meyers) has influenced my sound and writing techniques.

Question 4: The first single of the album is ‘Sea of Love’. From my listening to the song, it is about how we as Christians are overwhelmed by the abounding and unending love that Christ gives to us. What made you choose this song as your first single? If the listeners can absorb at least one thing from ‘Sea of Love’ (and from the album in general), what could it be?

I feel this song was the perfect song to show my purpose of the album and it reflects the sound you should expect throughout the rest of the CD. What listeners can absorb from “Sea of Love” is when you let God into your life and fully consume you, nothing else will compare to how amazing it is. Sometimes we try and return to the things that once satisfied us before God was in our hearts, only to come to the realization that nothing on this earth can compare to having the love of Christ inside of us. Once you’ve experienced that, your life is changed.

Question 5: It must be great to share a record label with fellow artists Press Play, Marlene Brehm, Luke Dowler, Kingdom and seasoned veterans Silverline. Are there any bands within your label (or outside your label) that you admire, or that you’d like to tour with someday if given the chance?

I am so honored to have the opportunity of sharing a label with such talented artists! I admire Press Play and their ability to keep their sound updated and modern. They’ve always kept God at the center which is something I’ve always admired. Britt Nicole is someone outside of the label I would love to tour with. I would be so stoked if that opportunity came along. I feel our message and sound is similar and it would be so awesome to get the opportunity to learn some of the knowledge she has gained through her music career.

Question 6: What have been your favourite songs to write/perform from the album (or ones that were the most difficult to write)? Which songs from the album has God spoken to you about, where He is showing something new to you about your walk with Him?

My favorite songs to preform would be “Sea of Love” and “Eye of the Storm”. I just love the impact the lyrics have on those who are listening. “When the Music Stops” is also fun to perform because I love getting the audience up and dancing during that song, we all have a blast! I loved writing “Wasting Time” because that was one of the first songs I wrote on guitar and the high emotions I had with it being me and the guitar made the song come alive. “Eye of the Storm” continues to remind me that, yes, struggles and bad times will come along on this journey I am on; but God calms the storms I face and I know that I can ALWAYS count on Him.

Question 7: What has God been teaching you lately through Scriptures, other people, or the media? Is there anything you can share that you have learnt in your own life that may be relevant to listeners; or maybe related thematically to your debut album that you think the listeners can identify with?

God has been teaching me to put all my trust in Him. I’ve never fully put my whole life into His hands and just said “here you go, do what you will” because I always held onto a few things that I thought I could control. Once I stopped being dumb and surrendered my life completely to Him I saw so much opportunity and provision come along that I would have never been able to pull of myself. (Trust in The Lord your God with all your heart) I’ve also been learning to be thankful no matter what the circumstance. I think sometimes we forget to find the good in every situation. Sure, we have to search hard for it at times, but it’s always there. By trusting God and being thankful I have noticed I don’t stress as often because I remember that everything works out exactly how God wants it to.

Question 8: How is the rest of 2013 going to be like for you? Are there any artists you’d like to tour with in the future? Any countries that you’d love to see and visit through touring or otherwise?

The rest of 2013 will be committed to touring and getting my music out there! I will be taking any opportunity I can get my hands on to sing until I become so busy that I won’t be able to accept everything. (Artists to tour with in future) I love to travel so I would be thrilled to go anywhere I can, but I have always wanted to go to Australia. Like I said in my “Get to Know Me” video on YouTube, I love their animals and accents.

Question 9: Looking ahead to your second album (whenever that may be), what do you think will change (or stay the same) in regards to the album recording process?

That’s a hard question! I know I will mature a lot when travelling with this album so I envision my writing will mature as well. In regards to the process of being in the studio, I feel I will be more prepared and the process will be much smoother because I now know what to expect. Since this is only my first album I still have a lot of learning to do, so when it comes time for a second album, I will have much more knowledge that I will be able to use and apply.

Question 10: Growing up, did you ever want to do something else other than be a musician/singer? Any advice for any young aspiring musicians reading this interview?

I have wanted to be a singer and have wanted this be my career ever since I was little. Because this is what I’ve always wanted to do, I feel so blessed to be in the position that I am in. There were times I thought it could never happened, but I always made sure that my dream was bigger then my doubt. For any aspiring musicians I would say don’t give up on your dream and make sure you keep God at the center, because he truly has a way of working everything out for the best. Also having a good support group that will remind you of your purpose when you feel like throwing in the towel is key because the journey is tough and you can’t do it on your own.

Question 11: Is there anything else that you’d like to add that I haven’t covered yet? Any parting words of wisdom to those who will read this interview?

Keep me in your prayers! The road ahead may get tiring but I know this is what I am called to do. Come along for the ride and get updates about my journey by liking my Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Don’t forget to love God, love people and keep dreaming!

Be on the lookout for the review of Hannah Rose’s self titled debut album within a few days. You can also check out her ‘Getting to Know Hannah Rose’ video on her Youtube Page, as well as some other covers she has recorded.

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