Album Review :
New Waters - Venture

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Band: New Waters
Album: Venture
Label: Authentic Sounds
Release: 12.10.14
Reviewer: BrodyB

  1. Spring
  2. Serenade
  3. Slaves & Whores
  4. Circle
  5. Rattle
  6. Black
  7. Run To Your Grave
  8. In Hibernation
  9. Special

“Better late than never” is a term that most less than punctual people enjoy using. Being the borderline obsessively on time person that I am, however, tend to use the term most often in the music world.

For instance, Venture, by Finland natives New Waters is a record that came out late last year. By all means, this masterpiece is a record that deserved some attention at the time it dropped. Due to our busy schedule at IVM and the band deciding to put out the album on Authentic Sound records in their home country, the record escaped my radar until now. But as I said earlier, “Better late than never”. 

I reviewed the band’s EP, which was put out on Blood and Ink Records several years ago. The disk was short and to the point, toting six devilishly chaotic hardcore jams that showed immense potential. Now, several years later, the band returns to the scene with a unique sound that is equal parts chaotic fury and beautiful soundscapes.

“Spring” opens the album with a frenzy of stop – start pummeling blast beats that will have any hardcore fan worked into a riotous mood within second of the album beginning. However, moments later, New Waters showcase their ability to transcend genre barriers as they quickly escape being pigeon-holed as a The Chariot wanna-be and show their hand at creating Explosions in the Sky soundscapes. 

While such an abrupt change may cause some listeners to scratch their heads, the thing is, this genre change works in wondrous ways. After several brief moments of instrumental jamming, New Waters goes back into the foray as subtly as an 18-wheeler crash.

“Serenade” seems to be named such as a joke, since this groovy cut is anything but its namesake. This follow up track is one that keeps the listener constantly guessing what’s going to happen next as mathy riffs and frantic drum fills dominate the speakers alongside raw and powerfully barked vocals. “Serenade” finds New Waters channeling their inner Dillinger Escape Plan for a standout track on an already phenomenal album.

The single off the album, “Circles” is a slowly brooding jam with has a subtle injection of atmosphere thrown in throughout the whole song. The bridge features a nice guitar section that breaks the preconceived notions of what is acceptable in a hardcore outfit. Following the bridge, the song ends with a colossal wall of sound that practically makes the listener feel uncomfortable.

“Rattle” is a favorite of mine, that leans a little more towards traditional hardcore flavorings with breakdowns and hearty riffs. However, the song is not without its fair share of playful experimentation on the guitar to add some post rock flair to the forray. In a similar fashion, “Black” is fraught with hectic blast beats and one of the best hardcore riffs I’ve heard in quite some time, and yet New Waters still find a way to subtly sneak layers of texture and character within their guitar tone that is not commonly found within the genre. The outro to “Black” also totally rips and comes as an unexpected surprise. 

“In Hibernation” showcases some of the more diverse vocals on the record. Leaning more towards hardcore tendencies musically, the vocals tackle things from a barrage of different ways. The standard higher ranged shriek for New Waters are prevalent, but also Sleeping Giant caliber lows and half yelled half spoken vocals smatter the track. 

“Special” starts off with a groovy reverb-laden riff that wouldn’t sound out of place on a classic rock album before breaking into hardcore infested mayhem. Quickly enough, the track ebbs back into hardcore massacre before flowing back into the previous groove, all without feeling strained. In fitting fashion, New Waters play out the experimental vibes they smattered throughout the album in a concise outro section to the album. The fact that the last several minutes are instrumental really allows the listener to take in some of the intricacies of the music.

Overall: New Waters continue to grow and show they are more than just another run of the mill hardcore band. The atmosphere and groove they present are sure to turn some heads and even influence some bands here in the States to step outside their comfort zone and create some music that we can not only mosh to, but also sway to.



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