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First off, thanks for doing this interview! From my point of view, xDeathstarx had far too short of a career in the mid-2000s. Not long after 2007’s ‘We Are The Threat’ & the re-release of ‘The Triumph’ you guys announced your final show. Can you share what led to the breakup?

The breakup came about from a few years of touring and too many member changes. It was difficult finding people to fill in for tours and ultimately caused problems. We figured it was better to breakup than continue performing poorly.

When it comes to reunion shows someone tends to be the catalyst. After being dormant for six years how did the reunion show go from idea to an actual scheduled date?

We had no plans of doing a reunion. Jason from Facedown Records asked us if we would be willing to do a reunion for Facedown Fest and it seemed to be a good fit.

It seems fitting that the show also takes place at Facedown Fest. I’m assuming that was part of the plan?

Facedown Fest is THE plan. hahaha

You are known for having many members to begin with & somewhat of a revolving cast. As of this point who is in the current lineup?

Eric and Ryan Gregson, Tommy Green, Jr Bermuda, Josh Highland, Brandon Trahan, Nick Piunno and Matt Boughton

As far as I’m aware, several members aren’t doing music full-time any longer. How does it feel to be preparing to perform live again & to write a new track?

We’ve got members of Sleeping Giant, Impending Doom and Winds of Plague all playing with us. Luckily we were able to pull together some seasoned guys. Most of the prep is in getting the sound nice and tight for the show.

Speaking of the new track, you just released “Generation”, which is the first new material in 8 years. What can you tell as about the track & the new music video?

“Generation” was a byproduct of having my own children and the things I want to say to them and over their generation. Am I going to tell them the world sucks and their generation has the worst of it? Or am I going to tell them they can change the world? I’m not trying to deny the problems they face, but I want to fill them with the faith to see change. Its about speaking the word of God over ourselves, not doom and pessimism.

With so many members, and especially considering this isn’t full-time, how did the songwriting & recording process work? Are you able to all get together?

xDSx has always had an interesting recording process. My brother or I would usually write entire songs and then bring them to the band for subtle tweaks or details. “Generation” was a song I wrote, and with the help of Tommy Green and my brother put some of the finishing touches on it. I have my own studio at home so we recorded it there and had our friend Darien at the Den Recorders in Pasadena Ca do the mix and master.

Many groups are going the independent route for new material, so what led you to release the track through Facedown?

We have a good relationship with Jason at Facedown and thought it would be smart to partner with them. They have a larger audience than we do by ourselves. That is one of the plus sides of record labels that bands tend to forget.

As you are looking forward to Facedown Fest in a few weeks, have you guys nailed down the official set list? What can we expect from that show?

Set is nailed down and we are ready to go. You can expect the mosh belt, Westside Bugg crip walking, towels twisting around their heads like a helicopter, and more onstage mosh than the whole show combined. Bring the ruckus.

What does the rest of 2015 look like for you guys? Back to your full-time vocations or will we hear any more from the xDeathstarx camp?

We have thrown out the idea of possibly doing another record, but don’t hold me to that.

Thanks again to Eric Gregson for the interview! Make sure to go check out the new track “Generation” & pick it up from your favorite digital outlet. If you’re in the California area on May 16th don’t miss out on the reunion show at this year’s Facedown Fest!

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