5 Christian Metal/Hardcore Bands That You May Not Have Heard Of

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These are some bands that were sort of popular, but didn’t get very far. Hopefully this sheds some light to the underground SFHC Scene or more appropriately, SFMC Scene.

5. One Way/Raid

Christian metalcore/hardcore One Way formed in… I don’t know when. The 80’s. The band did not have very much success or really any publications. Other than one in HM in 1991. But Raid, their next band, had a little more success. Same genre as One Way, but with a Straight-Edge message, alongside the uplifting Christian message. The band were signed to Hardline Records, a label formed by the hardcore band Vegan Reich. After Raid disbanded however, one of their albums, Hands Off the Animals, was re-released through Victory Records.

4. Evelynn

Evelynn is a band that everyone really should’ve heard of. The band was more along the lines of The Dillinger Escape Plan. The band formed in 2001 but disbanded in 2004. The band was signed to Pluto Records, the same label as Luti-Kriss (a.k.a. Norma Jean), Mindrage, and Nailed Promise. The band only a single EP, a split nonetheless, with Dreaming of the Fifth. The band has had some very notable members. Those notable members were Shane Blay, now of Oh, Sleeper and Wovenwar and formerly of Between the Buried and Me, Nick Hipa of As I Lay Dying and Wovenwar, and Jason Roe of Society’s Finest and Baring Teeth and formerly of Between the Buried and Me. Really, with this group, you should know who Evelynn is.

3. Shockwave

Shockwave is one of those bands, you’ve definitely heard of but didn’t get much in way of promotion or recognition. The band had members of xDISCIPLEx A.D. and a few other bands I believe. Dave Quiggle was a member, that much I know for sure. The band released several albums and EPs but were still very mysterious. Somehow, I managed to find an old interview with the band. Shockwave was a great band, with decent quality. They were around for a few years but not to long. I’d say from 1997-2004 is when they were active, so essentially as long as xDisciplex. The band were signed to Surprise Attack Records and Triple Crown Recordings, and performed at Facedown Fest 2004.

2. Falling Cycle

Falling Cycle is another band people should know about. Falling Cycle has had a member people probably have heard of. They performed metalcore, but reviews said it turned out more of a Death metal style. So essentially Xibalba before Xibalba. The band formed in 1999 but disbanded in 2001-2002. The band released one album in 2001 through Facedown Records called The Conflict. They sounded like Sinai Beach, which is the band that one member went on to join.

1. Grace Like Winter

Grace Like Winter is like the ultimate band people should know about. Formed in 1998, but disbanded in 2002. The band had members from Figure Four and Every New Day. The band had a very Progressive metalcore/emocore type of style and certainly made an influence for a brief time, especially with the dual FEMALE vocals. Not to focus in on that, the band was pretty good. They had legit music and were hardcore. It’s a shame this band disbanded so early. They had a great potential. Here’s hoping for a reunion.

Notable Mentions: Always the Understudy, Settle the Sky, Call to Preserve

These bands were notable but got next to no recognition. They weren’t the Point of Recognition as you could tell (see what I did there?) Anyways, I hope you guys go listen to these bands.

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Brandon J.
December 19, 2016 9:00 am

Saved by Grace and Terra Firma were also great mostly unheard of bands. I always loved Every New Day and wished more people had checked them out.

December 18, 2016 6:57 pm

His Legacy is the one I wish had gotten a full album together, but after releasing their best song as a music video (From the Outside In: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2–ZQvgUCI), they just petered out.

Also, though many here probably know them, I wish Cry of the Afflicted stayed around longer.

December 17, 2016 8:43 pm

I see what you did… Point of Recognition
Apparently Settle the Sky is active again.

December 17, 2016 7:38 pm

I would say call to preserve shouldn’t even been in honorable mention. Those guys were sick! Wish shockwave had better recordings.

December 17, 2016 7:22 pm

Forgot about settle the sky! Loved those guys.

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