Joshua Kabe Ashworth of Society's Finest

By in Interviews | 2 Comments

Awhile ago, I sent questions to Joshua Ashworth of Society’s Finest, originally for my website The Bearded Dragon’s Metal. I figured it would actually be a better fit here. So there’s some awesome stuff going on in the Society’s Finest camp. Check it out. Also, I found a track Josh recorded with ZAO. Enjoy.

Who am I speaking to?

Joshua Ashworth, lead vocals for Society’s Finest

So you have three full-length albums and three EPs correct?

Lets see.. Split CD (My Spacecoaster & Society’s Finest), EP (Private Conflicts and Suicides), full-length (The Journey… So Far), Split CD (The Difference Between Us), and the Love, Murder and a Three Letter Word is 2 EP’s put together and a full-length (And I, the Drunkards).

Does the band have new album coming soon? Could we get the name of it?

Yes, we are writing right now for a new EP. Haven’t named it though.

I have another question related to the discography discussion. Wikipedia says you were supposed to release an album in 2008 but you couldn’t. What happened there? If Wiki is accurate for once of course.

Yeah, not too sure what Wiki is talking about haha.

The band had coverage on certain sites that stated Jesse Smith (ex-ZAO) joined the band, but Jesse told me that he never joined you guys. What’s up with that?

Joel (Bailey; original bassist) and I were talking about releasing some new tunes and maybe getting on the road after that and we were talking to Jesse about being apart of that. but,of course someting happened and we put it to bed.

Speaking of ZAO, you filled in for Dan in 2003-2004 right? How was that?

Yeah, that was a lot of fun. good times. I got to make some beautiful friendships out of that and got to see the world. glad I could be apart of the legacy of what is ZAO.

You even recorded some songs with them if I’m correct. Can people find those?

Yeah I did record a couple of songs with them for pre-production. They are somewhere out there on the interwebs I’m sure, but I’m not too sure where to find them exactly.

The band reformed in 2014 out of respect of former Guitarist Randall Watts. How long was he in the band, and what happened to him?

He was responsible for the music on half of the Love, Murder release. There are two EPs on that release. One being Private Conflicts and the other dubbed the Texas EP which is what he played on. He was only in the band for a short time. Umm, he died from a heroin overdose.

What’s Society’s Finest current lineup?

Its just me and Eli (Bowser; Guitar) at this point. were not currently working on or planning to work on new Society’s Finest music anytime in the near future.

On the As The Story Grows Podcast, Mark Garza (ex-Embodyment, ex-The Famine) spoke about Kris McCaddon. He essentially said that Kris was never really a Christian. Did any of that show when he was with Society’s Finest?

No man, not at all.

Society’s Finest has had about as many members as Zao, but unlike Zao, you are the final original member that has remained in the band. Why has Society’s Finest had so many members?

There’s a curse I guess. Haha, that’s what our tour manager would always say. Ummm I guess it takes a certain type of person to be in Society’s Finest.

Are you guys currently on a label?


Are there any Christian metal/hardcore bands around your area?

I’m sure there a few. I know Oh, Sleeper and I think Fit for a King is from here.

What artists/bands have you been listening to lately?

Converge, Run the Jewels, The New Tribe Called Quest, Superhumanoids, and the new Norma Jean as well as the new ETID.

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January 10, 2017 2:57 pm

So this interview says they are writing an EP and then goes to say they are not writing any new planning on working on anything in the near future. That is a bit confusing.

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