The hardcore band Nothing Left has signed to Facedown Records! The band formed in October last year but all members have much experience in a band and the musical business. Ryan (Guitar) and Brandon Leitru (Guitar, Bass) are the brothers formerly from For Today, Danon Saylor (Vocals) is a former member of A Bullet for Pretty Boy and Alex Camarena (Drums) of Silent Planet behind the kit. The band has an EP coming out on April 21, 2017 called Destroy and Rebuild. The band is playing at Facedown Fest 2017. Check out the title track below!

Nothing Left (ex-For Today) Signs to Facedown Records
By Mason Beard in News | 10 Comments
Seriously, this is NOT powerviolence.
I am going to be *that* guy and say there is nothing powerviolence about this song at all.
Reminds me a lot of the faster/hardcore parts that For Today likes to incorporate into their songs. Sooooooo, meh.
I’m really into this. Stoked!!
Is powerviolence a genre? 😐
Yes, but this is definitely not at all a powerviolence song.
Kids these days and their genres I can’t keep up
I thought they signed to nuclear blast or some big label
No big surprise here!