Recently, I discovered The Ongoing Concept. Ok, well I had heard of them before, just was never interested. I downloaded the Son of Screamfest 2016 compilation and heard “Prisoner”. I followed up with listening to “Cover Girl”, “Failures and Fakes” and “Saloon”. I did a little more research, and discovered something. It seems that Brothers Kyle and Parker Scholz and friend TJ Nicholz seem to have left the band. Leaving Dawson Scholz, the remaining brother, the main member. There was no mention of the members departure at all, but there were several pictures with another lineup. The lineup is Andy Crateau (guitar), Ian Nelso (bass), and Cody Rhodes (drums). Best bet is, assuming these guys aren’t just filling in for the other members, this is the new lineup. Maybe Dawson will address this in the future. The Ongoing Concept released their sophomore album, Handmade in 2015 via Solid State Records.

The Ongoing Concept Loses 3/4 Lineup(?)
By Mason Beard in Articles, News | 10 Comments
From what I’ve heard, the other three got really sick of the road. But the fact that there hasn’t been an announcement makes me think there might be a bit of bad blood, or at the very least more to the story.
i hope there wasn’t bad blood, since they were brothers and their best friend.
the whole being on the road thing makes sense. i’m wondering if it was the whole tooth and nail/solid state effect.
as far as i know the band took care of almost everything regarding the band, recording and producing etc.
I think the band running everything was their choice, not an effect of being on Solid State.
Got sick on the road or of the road?
of the road. Didn’t want to tour as much, missed family, wanted to go to college, etc.
Wow, that really sucks. I loved what their hard work was for the second album, even if it lacked some of the fun, eclectic stuff of the first one. Good songs, maybe not as raw and great as the first album (which I’d describe as something similar to how The Chariot makes me feel–enthralled by the sonic trainwreck). If we’re lucky, they can keep going forward, because SS has really waned in the last few years.
Sad news about The Ongoing Concept. They’ve always put out incredible music and have a excellent live show. I had an interview with Dawson and featured on the band last spring. Here it is.
Sucks when a band does this. Hopefully they’ll keep making music in some capacity.
I’ve been curious about this too. At any rate, I’m ready for another album! This is one of the best heavy bands from recent years, in my estimation. So much energy!