Before Their Eyes

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Interview by: Julio D. Anta

If you could tell the readers your name and what you do in the bad?

Nick Moore: My name is Nick Moore, and I’m the vocalist in the band.

So, how did the band get started?

NM: Well, I was in another band that ended up breaking up. I knew a few other guys guys from other bands that we had all played with in the past. So I called Jared our drummer and told him I wanted to start a little side project and if he was interested playing drums for it, and have his friend Cory who was also in his old band play bass. So they said yeah, and our original guitarist for the band, his name was Jim and had played in another band with me but he eventually quit BTE.

How long ago was all of this?

NM: This was back in October of 2006.

Your debut album was on Rise Records, how did you get signed with them?

NM: Well, in December we played a show with The Devil Wears Prada in Toledo, Ohio. Their drummer Daniel really liked us, so I’m guessing he put in a good word at Rise for us and it all just fell into place from there.

How was the writing and recording process for that album, I heard it was really rushed?

NM: Oh it was awesome, and it was great working with Joey(Producer), it was really rushed though. Our band was formed in October and we didn’t start playing shows until December. So right after we signed to Rise we figured out we had to do a full-length. So we wrote and finished the rest of the full-length by the end of February of this year, we did it in about two and a half months.

Did you go into the studio with all the songs written, or did you write while recording?

NM: We wrote most of the songs before hand, but we did write some songs in the studio.

Do you write all the lyrics?

NM: Yeah, I write most of the lyrics.

So what would you say inspires most of the lyrics?

NM: With a lot of my lyrics people think they have to do with relationships and stuff, but really most of them have to do with my relationship with God. I kinda write abstract, so you might not think that my lyrics are about my Christian walk, but in reality they are.

Do you think thats the only way Christianity affects your music, or does it affect other aspects of the band?

NM: Well, all of us in the band are Christian, so we do our best to live the right lifestyle. But for me lyrically thats my main influence and when we started this project I said I wanted to write more spiritually based lyrics and songs and just let God put the words in my mouth.

What would you say are your biggest musical influences are?

NM: I’m really big into Copeland, Punchline, He Is Legend, and Underoath are probably my top bands.

And collectively between the whole band what are your biggest influences?

NM: I would say about the same. I’m more of a pop guy, I don’t listen to much hardcore or anything. But everyone else in the band is into Norma Jean, The Devil Wears Prada and a lot of the Rise bands. Musically I would say a lot of our stuffs more edgier, but vocally I think it has some pop in it coming from my influence.

What does the band name Before Their Eyes mean?

NM: It’s from a Bible verse in Romans, but I honestly just thought it sounded cool. The verse is about how a lot of people don’t really fear God anymore, or don’t have the fear of God in them. The last line in it is “There is no fear of God before their eyes”.

Is there a story behind the Derek Hess artwork, or was it just his own idea’s?

NM: Yeah, there is a story behind it. The guy thats standing there is supposed to symbolize a character thats walking in sin. Thats what the trashy and gloomy look behind him is symbolizing. Then in front of him theres the shadow casting a crucifix with the nails laying on the ground. That symbolizes that he’s not dead and the angel with the gun to his head symbolizes that God’s bringing him home. So, it’s a little weird.

You recently added a fifth member to the band right?

NM: Yeah, his name is Corey, he was one of the original members. He started off playing bass for us, but ended up leaving the band like a month after we formed to pursue another opportunity. So, we eventually wanted to add another guitarist to the band after playing a few shows with just one guitarist, so we called Corey and he was totally down for it.

So, you guys are about to go on the Rise Records tour with The Devil Wears Prada, and Dance Gavin Dance. Do you want to continue playing the secular venues, or do you prefer Christian events?

NM: Well, we’ll play anywhere, we play a lot of secular venues. For me personally, secular shows are where it’s at because thats where the people I feel in my heart I need to reach are at. I feel more drawn to play the secular crowds even though I love playing the Christian festivals as well.

What would you say are your biggest hopes for this band?

NM: Well, our hope is to keep making records, playing a lot of shows and doing the whole band thing.

Any last words to leave our readers with?

NM: I don’t know, this is my first interview so I’m not really used to this. Um… go buy the new Emarosa CD!

Special thanks to Stephanie Marlow of Heavy Hitter Inc. for setting up this interview.

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