Album Review :
Switchfoot - The Best Yet

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Artist: Switchfoot
Album: The Best Yet
Label: Credential Recordings
Release Date: November 4, 2008
Review by: Eric Pettersson

1. Dare You to Move
2. Meant to Live
3. Stars
4. Oh! Gravity
5. This Is Home
6. Learning to Breathe
7. Awakening
8. This Is Your Life
9. On Fire
10. Only Hope
11. Dirty Second Hands
12. Love Is the Movement
13. Company Car
14. Lonely Nation
15. The Shadow Proves the Sunshine
16. Concrete Girl
17. Twenty-four
18. Beautiful Letdown

Switchfoot is a band that has always stood out among its peers. During the early days of alternative, post-grunge rock, Switchfoot’s music was among the best in the CCM market. Maybe still a little too crunchy for mom, their albums were progressive and drove Christian rock into new arenas. After the crossover success and mainstream appeal on a major label, Switchfoot was still just as creative and still pushing modern rock to think outside of its stale old box. Their latest release, The Best Yet, spans all of these years, picking up hits from each album along the way. This is the perfect collection for someone such as myself, who has always appreciated Switchfoot but never quite loved them enough to purchase a record. It has all of the favorites, as well as some fun surprises, like “This Is Home,” a song you may remember from the end of the movie Prince Caspian. Die-hard fans will surely have this material already and may complain about the song selection basically just being a collection of all the hit singles, but it’s a good album nonetheless, and I fully expect to see The Best Yet in the top five best selling albums at my local Christian bookstore this Christmas season.


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