August Burns Red Week - Day 3

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In honor of their new album Rescue and Restore, out everywhere now, IVM has teamed up with Solid State Records to give you August Burns Red Week. Each day this week drummer Matt Greiner will answer one “easy” and one “tough” question about the band, life, music, and more.

If you weren’t in ABR, which band would you most love to be a member of? (why?)

I have always wanted to play drums for Hillsong United, the Christian worship band that stems from the Australian church Hillsong.  I look up to the vocalist and main songwriter Joel Houston and admire how they preach Jesus by performing quality music and inspiring our generation to find hope in Jesus.

What do you think is the hardest challenge men/manhood faces in today’s world?

Funny enough, I just did an interview about pride and humility with Andrew Schwab of Project 86 and we discussed similar issues.  A challenge among men today in our westernized culture is that of identity.  James 1:9-10 says “Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position.  But the rich should take pride in their humiliation – since they will pass away like a wild flower.”

James gives men today a helpful understanding of how to view themselves.  What James says is that a man in poor circumstances should look at the Gospel to quite literally ‘pick him up.’  On the contrary, a man in rich circumstances ought to look at the Gospel to bring him down to earth and humble him.  What does the Gospel says?

In Tim Keller’s words: “So we can say that we are more wicked than we ever dared believe, but more loved and accepted in Christ than we ever dared hope — at the very same time.”  The Gospel tells those of us who are told that we are hopeless and helpless that we are loved and accepted by God, regardless of who we are or what we’ve done.  And on the contrary, the Gospel tells us that no matter how privileged or successful we are, that we are sinners and need salvation from Jesus.

Men today face the challenge of living up to the demands of a ‘star-struck’ society. Our culture is infatuated with fame and success.  Being a real man isn’t based on popularity or notoriety. The Gospel gives us an identity outside of what other people say AND even what we say about ourselves.  We find our Hope in Jesus who forgives the unforgivable and humbles the highest powers.

Be sure to check out our official review of Rescue and Restore and check back each day this week for more August Burns Red exclusive content. Missed day one? Just click here. How about day two? Shazam. Be sure to check back Thursday for another round of questions, and then Friday we cap off the week with our official interview, featuring YOUR questions.

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