August Burns Red Week - Day 4

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In honor of their new album Rescue and Restore, out everywhere now, IVM has teamed up with Solid State Records to give you August Burns Red Week. Each day this week drummer Matt Greiner will answer one “easy” and one “tough” question about the band, life, music, and more.

What Christmas songs are left for ABR to cover?

We still have yet to cover many great Christmas songs, notably ‘It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas.”


20-30 years from now, what do you hope future generations look back on ABR and remember?

I hope that future generations look back and see the passion and hard-work that went into each and every song August Burns Red has written.  Most of all, I hope that people are inspired by ABR today to live lives of love, inspired by the hope of Jesus Christ.

Be sure to check out our official review of Rescue and Restore and check back each day this week for more August Burns Red exclusive content. Missed day one? Just click here. How about day two? Shazam. Missed Day Three? Bibity bobity boo. Sad that today’s ABR Week was a little on the short side? Fear not friend, as tomorrow we will unleash a full interview length finale with many many of YOUR fan questions. Check back as ABR Week concludes tomorrow with a bang.

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