Day: April 28, 2023

April 28, 2023

Introducing: Binder of Light (Feat. Members of Stairwell, Bloodshed, Unashamed, Rainy Days)

A new band I’d like to introduce is called Binder of Light. Its a new band featuring members of Stairwell, Bloodshed, Unashamed, Rainy Days, and more. The band just got picked up by The Charon Collective which is a newer label started by one of of the founders of Pluto Records. Check out the little write up below and make sure to visit them on Instagram @binderoflight and their label – The Charon Collective right here. “The Charon Collective is excited to welcome Binder Of Light to the family!Continued →

Switchfoot Announce The Beautiful Letdown 20th Anniversary Tour and Celebration

World renown San Diego, CA. based rock band – Switchfoot, will embark on a 20th Anniversary Tour celebrating a much loved, landmark album not just in “alternative rock” but in the realm of Christian music as well called “The Beautiful Letdown”. This fan loved and adored album racked up several hits back in the day that still get radio/satellite plays even now. For dates and locations of this tour click here. How many of you got tickets and who is most excited about this momentous celebration?… Continued →

Song of the Day: Delta Haymax - Tidal Wave

Gosh, this song . . . this band . . . has a way of evoking memories of a certain period of my life. Lo-fi indie rock with only 2 members. One on guitar and vocals, and the other on drums. They released a very short–only 3 songs–but brilliant self-titled EP on Tooth & Nail in 1997. T&N had a fantastic run of EPs around that time (Pedro the Lion, Warlord, Inner Means, Training for Utopia, etc.) and this was certainly one of them. The songs were lo-fi, but not noisy.… Continued →