Month: April 2023

April 7, 2023

Song of the Day: Vengeance Rising - Human Sacrifice

The first time I heard this band, I was completely blown away. The year was 1988. I was about 14 years old, and I had just started getting into Christian metal via bands like Jerusalem, Whitecross, and Barren Cross. Sacred Warrior was probably the heaviest I’d heard at the time. Then one night I was listening to KOKF 91FM out of Oklahoma City, a Christian radio station that had a late night metal show. I heard the most intense, loud, gnarly thing I’d ever heard in my life.… Continued →

April 6, 2023

April 5, 2023

Best of 2022: Brandon Jones

I’m finally getting around to doing a quick write up on some favorite releases and songs from the past year. These may or may not be in any particular order and is based upon a mix of memory and my 2022 Spotify playlist where I throw everything new onto it for continual playback throughout the year. Read below and feel free to post your own favorites of 2022 that I’m sure were accidentally skipped on my own list (and maybe even have yet to be discovered).… Continued →

April 4, 2023

April 1, 2023

Indie Vision Music Presents "Until Hell Freezes Over Tour" With Newsboys, Underoath, Mercy Me, Gideon and more

[April Fool’s Joke 2023] We are proud to present a one time Indie Vision Music “Until Hell Freezes Over Tour” featuring 6 heavy hitters sure to bring about the apocalypse. As we have done tours so well in the past, this one time only Tour will be just that. These bands were never expected to Tour together so indeed, Hell is about to be frozen over. Tickets are on sale now at (*tickets will sell out fast and will only be up for sale today only!).… Continued →