Day: August 6, 2023

August 6, 2023

The Emo Dads Playlist (Spotify)

Oh no, we gone done it. Head over to Spotify and check out the EMO DADS PLAYLIST. It’s mostly modern with some classics carefully placed alongside newer songs we want you to hear. Just like the POP PUNK DADS, these are songs your dad would love but that you can also bang your head to. Check out both below or by searching on Spotify. Check out our Spotify profile while you’re at it, just search “Indie Vision Music“.… Continued →

With Honor Obliterate the Masses With Energetic and Hard Hitting New Songs

With Honor is a band that I don’t believe we’ve shared much from in the past nor do they fit the typical definitions of an “IVM” related band but that isn’t important because their new songs absolutely rule. Sometimes it’s rare for a band to reemerge from a long absence and come back as hard hitting and emotionally connecting as a hardcore punk band like With Honor. Check out 3 new songs right now from their upcoming full length “Boundless” which will drop on Pure Noise Records on September 8th.… Continued →

Idle Achiever Are Up in the Sky

Idle Achiever are back with a brand new song for 2023. This indie-pop-rock act out of Ohio has been making music for just a couple short years and have improved with each and every song they release with this one being no exception. Check out “Skylines” below this post. The song is now available at all digital networks now! Check out the song, lyrics, and song explanation below on our website.… Continued →

Slow Coming Day Reunion Shows and Captivated Video Soon

Slow Coming Day have announced 2 California reunion shows later this month and both with the much loved Watashi Wa. August 25th in Templeton, CA. and August 27th in Los Angeles. The band is releasing a special new music video for “Captivated” very soon. This is all leading up to the release date of “The Lost Tapes” which drops August 25th through Fair Vaux Recordings and Steadfast Records. Check out the band’s song “Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace”, below. We are premiering their music video for “Truth Behind The Lies” on August 25th.… Continued →