Month: December 2023

December 6, 2023

Too Bad Eugene Finish Recording New Album and New Single Out December 14th!

Too Bad Eugene have just finished recording their brand new album. The band will debut their new single on December 14th and you do not want to miss out on this song. I feel that it’s their strongest work by far and ranks up there with the best of the best in melodic punk rock. You like good music well then you’re going to sink those teeth in deep to this new song, and the album too I’m sure. I’m almost 99.9% positive that I’ll dig this new album so much that it’ll rank up there high on my year end list of 2024.… Continued →

December 4, 2023

December 3, 2023

Check Out: Calling Hours

I know this band doesn’t exactly fit under the banner of Indie Vision Music (Christian bands and the like) but I really enjoy them and this new (Debut) album by Calling Hours is an absolute joy to listen to. The album “Say Less” just released in November on the mighty Revelation Records and it’s already making waves in the punk and hardcore communities. This album rides the waves of any great melodic punk/rock band but takes it up another whole level and far exceeds expectations. I went into this record knowing about “Popeye from Farside” which if you didn’t know, was a highly influential and somewhat short-lived punk/hardcore band from So.… Continued →

December 2, 2023

December 1, 2023

Song of the Day: Poor Old Lu - All Pretty for the TV

Poor Old Lu are/were one of the most celebrated alternative rock bands in the Christian scene. They hit at the height of the Christian indie scene in the 1990s, and formed a core unit of alternative rock bands that included The Prayer Chain, Plankeye, Starflyer 59 and a handful of others. Hailing from the Seattle area, the band also had close ties with others in the scene like Pedro the Lion, Damien Jurado, Blenderhead, and even Sunny Day Real Estate (vocalist Jeremy Enigk provided guest vocals on one POL track).… Continued →