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Dear friends, fans, and supporters of Indie Vision Music. I have decided to come out of retirement and reboot the IVM website. I realized after spending several months off, that I just missed posting music news. After scouring the internet for stories, it became apparent that there is a huge void for independent Christian music news (and reviews).

My passion has always been simple which is indulging in my music senses and sharing that love with a broader, globally minded audience. I hold no secret agenda nor do I want to make this a full time gig. It has always been my mission to see the hope of Christ radiate through the coverage we offer and the music we share.

Music news, simple and to the point.

-Brandon J. / Indie Vision Music

Official Press Release:

The well liked and leading provider of independent Christian music news since year 2000, has returned from it’s slumber. It is time for a new beginning and that beginning will start at Prepare to be amazed and shocked at the quality content coming your way courtesy of your friends at Indie Vision Music. We have been patiently working behind the scenes over the past few weeks building up quality content for today’s launch. The site features an archive of all the old Reviews and Interviews you cherished from the past (2006-2015) along with a whole new section of news. “News” from the past (pre-October 2016) has been obliterated and in it’s place, a whole new collection of posts. So when you head to the polls on Election Day, don’t forget to first check the new site and when you return home/work, check it again. This time friends, we’re going to stick around for the long haul. “Faith and Entertainment With an Independent Perspective”

From Brandon Jones (Owner/Founder of IVM)

“After being offline since July of 2015, we figured it was time to start anew. We (myself especially) didn’t quite like the term “Retirement” and felt it didn’t serve us well. I went down the path towards revitalizing this dormant website and bringing something fresh to the table. With Miika “Fusse” Korppi’s design skills, we feel we have accomplished this goal and so much more. It’s always refreshing to see an old brand return with a new sense of urgency and passion. That my friends is what I intend to stay true to. It’s difficult putting something you love so much, to rest. I feel like there is still much to do in the realm of independent music from Christian artists and our time is ripe for a new beginning. Myself, the writers, the graphic designer (of IVM) share this passion for our Faith and for reaching others through this powerful niche of music.

There isn’t some secret agenda or long drawn out conclusion for why we’re here right now and speaking about a relaunch. The basic message is that I feel very passionate about both music and my Faith and felt like NOW would be a great time to bring this once great website back from the dead.

So with that said, let’s celebrate new beginnings by supporting the artists and bands we love. We aren’t going to join trends, we are going to set them. We are going to set this trail ablaze with music news, reviews, and interviews, leading us into this next chapter of life. Will you join us?”

If you’d to support IVM and the things we do here, consider donating to the site below:

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