20 Best Rock EPs of 2022 Ranked

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A few weeks ago I appeared on the JFH Podcast to talk about my favorite EPs of 2022. In the process of preparing for the episode I listened to a lot of EPs and figured I might as well make the most of it and make it into a list. Rather than a single massive list though I decided to break it down by genre. So here’s part one of my favorite EPs of 2022: 20 rock EPs ranked.

20. November SkyOut of the Black

I am really glad to see the members of Scarlett White moving forward with a new project.

19. Matt SassanoIn Defiance

I’ve been following Matt’s music for a couple of years now so it’s cool to see him joining Rockfest Records for this EP. I look forward to seeing what might come of this partnership.

18. Reclaim the DayPsalms

I really wanted to like Psalms but I just found it a little uneven.

17. IgnescentAscension

I honestly didn’t much like this EP when is came out but I gave it another shot before making this list and found it much more enjoyable this time around. Ignescent feels like an artist could take off with the help of a label.

16. WindventRhema

A little heavy for my taste but there is obviously some good stuff here.

15. WeatheredBlind

These are some great B-sides but as an EP it just leaves me a little wanting.

14. The Rumjacks x Flatfoot 56Split

I’m sure if the Runjacks quite fit the IVM mold but the three Flatfoot 56 songs here are defiantly worth a listen as the very least.

13. AnberlinSilverline

The long await of reunion of Anberlin finally happened. And the response Silverline seems to have been a bit mixed. Personally I find myself in the disappointed camp. But each to their own.

12. Sink InWelcome to Phantom Land

I’ve got mixed feelings about this EP. Generally speaking I liked all the songs when they were released as singles but for whatever reason they just don’t hit the same as an EP. And unlike Rusty Shipp’s similar EP Liquid Exorcist I find the transitionary tracks more distracting them complimentary.

11. BattledFrom the Silence

This one is a personal favorite of 2022. It’s a little rough around the edges but shows a lot of promise for a debut. And Battled has been busy since adding new band members and have got me excited for what their future holds.

10. Relentless Flood – Echoes

I was surprised to discover that Echoes is a much stronger rock EP than I remembered. In my original draft I had it in the bottom half but after a couple of listens this week I felt like it needed to be bumped up to the top 10.

9. Amongst the Giants – Desolate Minds

This is another one that it just a little heavy for my taste but I still found myself enjoying it quite a bit.

8. Several Other GhostsAre You Disappointed?

“Hold Tight” blew me away the first time I heard it. Then the rest of the EP felt like a disappointment after that. But I’ve actually come around since then to appreciate the sudden shift in style as being very fitting of the EP’s title and theme.

7. The Jonah ProjectDawn

This EP might the biggest surprise of 2022. It seemingly came out of nowhere and swallowed up the competition to become one of my favorite releases of 2022. Since then it has fallen a little bit in my rankings because of the lull in the middle but it remains one of my most listened to releases of 2022.

6. HomeplateWelcome to Breitenstein

I still find the remix track in the middle a little odd but what a great EP to kickoff Small Step Records with.

5. City of AuburnWhere Does it Hurt

I fear this EP went largely unnoticed but it’s a fantastic follow up to Spinning.

4. Gold, Frankincense, & MyrrhFraming My Perception

I can’t believe that I totally forgot about this EP! It’s the first time that I’ve really thought GFM sounded polished ready for the bigtime. Unfortunately it sounds like it’ll be their swan song and not their launching pad.

3. LevvyBury

I decided to revisit this EP after Josh Balogh named it his favorite EP of 2022 and I’m glad I did. There’s a lot more to this EP than I initially gave it credit for.

2. VERIDIAPain Reliever

With Pain Reliever it really feels like VERIDIA is coming into their own. The songs are catchy enough for radio (or playlists) yet don’t feel generic. There is enough variety in the songs to keep them from running together but also enough cohesiveness to keep the EP from just sounding like a collection of singles. All around it’s just a really solid release.

1. The Jonah ProjectDusk

This is the closest thing to a perfect EP as I’ve heard in 2022. Unlike Dawn which drags a little in the middle and Night (which I’m categorizing as album, not an EP) which has a few too many long songs for my taste, Dusk is short, sweet, and to the point.

Still reading? Then you might want to check out my 2022 rock playlist too then!

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