Song of the Day: B.U.C.K. - Next

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Starting this new year off right with some fun ska music from B.U.C.K. (building Up Christ’s Kingdom) aka Buck Enterprises. This Detroit, MI six piece band released a few albums before disbanding. I remember writing a college paper on ska & B.U.C.K would be classified as 3rd wave ska. Their 1998 self-titled release featured more horns than the second & featured a cartoon character which appeared to be skanking in a raincoat while holding up a checkered black & white ball which are the normal colors for ska music. Their record label at the time, Tattoo Records, was home to awesome bands such as Common Children, The Choir, Between Thieves & Massivivid (Deitiphobia). With so many ska bands around at the time, this one fared better than many. With songs like Why Won’t Josh Dance & Samaritan, one can tell that this band is a mix between fun & faith.  The song Next from their S/T has some provocative lyrics that I’ve pondered since the day I first heard it.

Lately I’ve been thinking about the games I play
And how He gave Himself away
And what it means to me
Lately I’ve been dreaming about the way He loved
And the way He suffered for
A wounded world that won’t believe
Sometimes I’m ashamed about the things I say
And the things I see me do
And how they seem so far removed
Sometimes I hang my head like the walking dead
When I dare to ask myself
What would Jesus really do

He is alive in us
Jesus loves the hurting ones

What’s next?
Reaching hands out to the helpless
Fill pockets of the poor
What’s next?
Giving mercy to the sinner
Forgiving a little more
What’s next?
Touching those untouchable
Healing the leper’s sore
What’s next?
Loving those unlovable
Or what is love good for

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Grave Time
May 12, 2021 10:25 pm

This just might be the best Christian Ska album of all time. Love this album so much.

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