Song of the Day: En Mi Lugar - Prodigo

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En Mi Lugar (In My Place in English) is a Spirit Filled Melodic Hardcore band from Bogota, Colombia. FFO: Venia, Advent, Poured Out, and Atrocities.

Formed in 2011, En Mi Lugar have released 3 albums and 2 singles. Their recent being Prodigo (Prodigal in English) released May of 2019. Since their inception, they have undergone some line up changes. This has not affected their sound in the least. They have always been melodic, in your face, with heavy breakdowns and melodies that could give one goose bumps!

Yes they only sing in Spanish, but don’t let that deter you from listening to them. Their message is one of salvation through Christ alone. They bring a message of hope to the lost and broken and hey if you don’t know Spanish, there’s always Google translate!

I’ve gone ahead and placed the lyrics in English below their video. Don’t pass this great band up!

Enjoy, Be Safe, and Christ bless you!

The days darken
Increasing the anxiety
Walking among fools
You want to be one more

You know the light but you walk away from it


You look tired of trying and failing
You want to be different
Greed and ambition have blinded your eyes

The wind blows and carries them
An empire of lies
A landless king

You try to reach it
But in your strength you will not be able

Your heart is cold
Where to walk
If everything is dark
What are you trying to hide
But in the distance I can see it

How many times will you lie?
How many times will you deceive yourself?
There is only one way, there is only one truth

How many years have already passed?
And you continue being the same
I go from glory to glory
I don’t see yours in any place

Waiver of the right to
form your destiny
Clay pot
In the hands of the potter

With open arms He will wait for you
There is no condemnation in this place
Guilt and fear are erased
Nothing can take us away from His love

The Father at home is waiting
Confidently you can enter
Being King He humbled himself
He carried all your pain on his back

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