Ok, yes I know, I am incredibly biased toward the music and sound of Five Iron Frenzy. They are high up on my list of “favorite bands” and I hold their songs close to my heart. I was browsing Instagram this morning and saw a couple of fans cover this song in their own unique way as seen on the FIF page and I had to bust this track out from the dusty bins of my fragile mind. It’s a beautiful song in and of itself. It’s faster pace than “Every New Day” but still consists of that unmistakable Five Iron sound, melody, and passionate delivery in vocals by Reese Roper. At one time or another Five Iron Frenzy made non-Worship, worship music in the vein of SKA! They were few and far between among their fellow ska brethren. We had OC Supertones, Insyderz, and the mighty Five Iron Frenzy, but beyond that mighty 3, the scene dipped in numbers and the general market had all the big bands and names who reached their peak in the late 90’s. The scene has NEVER died and lives on in quite a few classic bands as well as newcomers on the scene. Five Iron with their “World Without End” really personified worship music and brought out feelings that a lot of us were lacking because the industry was still churning out a load of CCM crap that we didn’t identify with as youth and young adults. This band has consistently put out quality music for over 2 decades, nearing the 25 year mark this year! (WOW). It is my great hope that FIF will not and cannot (We need you Five Iron, you’re our only hope) call it quits again. We need more new music and I strongly believe with all of us propped up on our butts wasting time, that now more than ever, the world needs Five…Iron…Frenzy. A World Without End indeed.

Song of the Day: Five Iron Frenzy - World Without End
By Brandon J. in Articles | 1 Comment
Great song, great album, great band! This brings back a lot of good memories.