So this track is one of my favorite songs of all time. There are a couple different versions out there, but the one off We Are Not Ashamed is my go to. I remember hearing this song for the first time circa 1993 on a University of Illinois indie Christian rock/metal show whose DJ introduced me to greats such as Living Sacrifice, Reflescent Tide, The Clergy amongst many others at the time. Lust Control’s background can be found on many other sites, but what I liked about this specific song is the in your face lyrics & the romping punk music. The song starts off with drums & a bass guitar until the guitar kicks in towards the chorus. HM aka Heaven’s Metal magazine’s editor Doug Van Pelt (whom I interviewed in college) is on lead vocals & that alone is worth the listen as Doug has done an awesome job over the years with our music niche. For anyone who has dealt with what is now known as men’s sexual integrity, this is one of the best on the subject (or at least the funnest (no pun intended). Lyrically, the song talks about controlling our lust (get it!), with the bridge’s lyrics being “The legs, the hair, I’m caught in a snare, satan has found my weakness, but greater is He who is in me than he who is in the girls!” Take a listen & try not to nod your head…I double dog dare you!

Song of the Day: Lust Control-Mad At The Girls
By Timo Cuoco in Articles | 2 Comments
Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement. We love this song, too. It’s so fun to perform live.
Honestly, as someone who came to Christ in 2010 at 30 (after of lifetime in the church) and as someone who struggled with pornography, finding Lust Control helped me put things in perspective and encouraged the fight. Songs like If You Fail and The Big M, though blasting them out of my car has never seemed appropriate (are any LC songs really supposed to sound appropriate? lol), were important for my mindset. I’d heard a lot of mixed messages growing up or just plain silence on these topics. With LC there’s no mixture and a lot of what they wrote… Read more »