Song of the Day: Miss Angie - Lift My Eyes

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Angie Turner is the given name for soloist Miss Angie who has been releasing music since 1997. She was married to Oran from Johnny Q Public (whom I saw back in probably circa in their hometown of Springfield, MO). 2 LPs were released in the 90s that went to the Christian market. Consisting of what I would consider 60s esque/bubblegum/hard alternative rock music, the music was hip & akin to Veruca Salt or what I think Avril Lavigne would have made if in the Christian market. Angie’s backing band at that time consisted of a guy whom I went to church with growing up: Chris Shandrow (Simple Mystery, The Frantics, Goodbye Audio). Over the years, she has changed her hair color & style, but still releases music with a pop rock flair & appears (according to YouTube) to be gearing up for another release. Here is the song & video for my fave: Lift My Eyes

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January 6, 2021 11:32 pm

That debut album by Miss Angie was a great record, and a favorite of mine in High School. I’m glad she’s still making quality music.

January 6, 2021 8:40 am

This was/is a great song. I have it on my Christian Nostalgic Playlist on Spotify.

Last edited 4 years ago by Kyle
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