Song of the Day: Takeheart - Access of Liberty

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Today’s song of the day comes from Raleigh, North Carolina’s own Christian Hardcore act, Takeheart. RIYL: Sleeping Giant, Madball, Stick to your Guns, and Hatebreed. These guys have been active since late 2011 and have released 2 full lengths and 2 ep’s since to date. Their first full length and first ep can be downloaded for a “Name Your Price” at their bandcamp page here: Their other 2 releases can be purchased from any digital music distributor.

I feel the Lord urging me to post this song. The lyrics are so powerful! “Succubus of an insecure safety, I will never bow to your will… To die is gain, our life is our sacrifice, you will not take my pride. Your freedom means more than our safety. Christ is not a filthy word!” It seems apt with Independence Day also approaching and in remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom.

Enjoy the song, meditate on the lyrics, and continue keeping safe. Christ bless you!


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July 4, 2020 8:32 am

Never heard of these guys but have to check this out. Thanks for the heads up

Phil metalhed
Phil metalhed
July 1, 2020 9:56 pm

Intrestin. I kinda rem them, but maybe im thinkin of anoth “hart” band, lol. Anyway, im impresd wit da production on da 2 free albums. Wats da status of da band now?

Phil metalhed
Phil metalhed
July 2, 2020 6:42 pm
Reply to  Marco Leal


Cool, thanx 4 da update. God bless u+ stay safe also.

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