WM was a brief rapcore band reminiscent of American Made. Hailing from my old stomping grounds in South Carolina, I first heard of them on a Christian indie rock show. Their 1999 LP was released on DTS after they released their first demo in 1998 on cassette. DTS comprised an eclectic artist list ranging from Paul Noel Stookey to .hopesfall! Their driving song “Kingdom” from that LP Nobody Loves Me explodes with the line I Wanna Go… To Heaven! Enjoy

Song of the Day: Whitman’s Mold-Kingdom
By Timo Cuoco in Articles | 5 Comments
Thanks for the love! The email address is still whitmans77@aol.com
Yo, coop!! I rememba as if it was yestaday, wen u gave me dat e- mail on a piece of paper at ht in da agusta mal, lol. Im sure its probly pakd in a box sumwer, lol. 21 years lata, crazy. Can i do a “wer r they now” intaview real quik?: 1. Wat led 2 da break up? 2. Wats r u+ da rest of da band up 2 noways? 3. Did u eva do any music afta witmans? 4. Wer ther any songs leftova from da album sesions dat neva got releasd? 5. Wat hapend 2 dts?… Read more »
If you see this here are some answers. 1-we never broke up we just took an extended Hiatus. Haha. We actually got together for a reunion show about 6 years ago to celebrate one of our buddies who passed away. It was his one wish to have us get back together 2-we are all old and living life. 3-only person really to do anything was Big Worm 4-yes there were some unreleased cuts that never got out on the cd 5-yep. Gone are the real indie labels 6-and the last part was Mold Our Lives Daily The email is still… Read more »
Yes!! Such a shame they only put out 1 album. Bring bak witmans+ Dts rec!! I wil always rememba goin 2 da local mall by fort gordon wen i was in da army n runin into ther singa who hapend 2 b workin at hot topic, lol. Anotha great band that broke up way 2 quikly.
Thanks for the love!