I haven’t yet featured any post-rock on the Song of the Day series, so it’s time to remedy that. Circle of Birds was a one-off collaboration between members of Ester Drang, Unwed Sailor and Lasso. The vast ensemble (encompassing nine members!) allowed for a true spirit of improvisation. The resulting 3-song EP is entirely instrumental, but it’s a very satisfying listen. Characteristic for the genre, 2 of the 3 songs clock in at over 7 minutes long. Check out the title track here.

Song of the Day: Circle of Birds - Circle of Birds
By Loyd Harp in News, Song of The Day | 3 Comments
Any other Christian post-rock stuff you recommend?
There’s not a ton, but there are a few: Charity Empressa, Hammock, probably some more I’m forgetting. Timoratus did a post-metal/drone metal album that is pretty incredible, but each album by them is in a completely different style. There’s also a fantastic djent/prog/instrumental metal band called God whose stuff also borders on post-metal at times.
I also forgot Unwed Sailor, but their connection to Christianity is complicated. All/most of the members used to identify as Christians, but none of them currently do.