Song of the Day: Five Iron Frenzy - A New Hope

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This song “A New Hope” by underdog heroes – Five Iron Frenzy, was released after the tragic Columbine shootings that took place in Colorado back in 1999. It is just as touching and relevant today as it was almost 25 years ago. I will not spend any time on getting political here. The world has enough activists, and my voice is but a tiny speck of dust on a pile of needles hidden within a massive haystack. What happened in Nashville and frankly around the world on a continual basis is about more than just weapons, drugs, mental health, hate, anger, pain, fear, etc. It’s so easy to come up with an opinion and even harder to admit faults. The pain is very real in so many hearts and these wounds carry such great weight leading some from light to darkness in an instant. I think it is safe to admit there is an overwhelming amount of darkness in our world today and the pain springing forth from this wickedness is strangling our consciences, blinding us from right and wrong. We all want to throw out “the world needs God” and these numerous shouting voices from all sides buries the hurt and pain inflicting our youth. We are all failing not only ourselves but our children and our families. We are walking away from God and embracing this wickedness of self-focus and a self-centered pursuit of self-pleasuring wealth. It’s all about “self” and not about putting our fellow men & women first, above ourselves. Our Children are crying out for answers, begging for love, looking for a way out and failing to seek treasures in heaven only to find that emptiness and decay our Earth leaves behind. My thoughts and prayers of course are with all the families of victims and the survivors of violence the world over. I pray deeply for a real Revival to sweep across the entire globe like a swift, earth scorching flame of hope and truth. God heal our hearts, heal our land, and heal our Children.

A new hope
Where is your freedom
A new hope
Here is your

Amy’s going back to school today
Elation, jubilation screams from her face
Did the halls smell of gunpowder still
What made the human heart dark enough to kill?

A new hope
Where is your freedom
A new hope cast off your burdens

A darker world was behind this one
Cryptic it hides beneath perception
We all saw it on that day
Stunned we stood stuttering
What did the news say

A new hope
Where is your freedom
A new hope
Here is your freedom

Peace fills us
Amy’s going back to school today
Elation, jubilation screams from her face
Did the halls smell of gunpowder still
What made the human heart dark enough to kill?

A new hope
Where is your freedom
A new hope cast off your burdens

A darker world was behind this one
Cryptic it hides beneath perception
We all saw it on that day
Stunned we stood stuttering
What did the news say

A new hope
Where is your freedom
A new hope
Here is your

Peace fills us
By hope we steer
Our dark hearts salvage

We live without fear

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