This song obviously references the vocalist for Tool. The Band is very hard to find anything on. I have a few of their songs. from what I remember a 5 song EP from circa early to mid 2000s. They were on Christian rock radio way back in the day when hard rock songs were on the “loud” charts? I am pretty sure Decrease Me, Day by Day & Strike Out were the ones. I think the band names comes from the following passage from Lamentations 4:4–5: “The tongue of the nursling cleaves to its palate in thirst. Children beg for food, no one lays it out before them. The ones who eat delicacies, they are ruined in the streets; the ones nurtured in purple lie on piles of trash.”

Song of the Day: Nurtured in Purple - Maynard
By Timo Cuoco in Articles, Song of The Day | No Comments
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