Song of the Day: Puller - Last One Out (R.I.P. Geoff Riley)

By in News, Song of The Day | 2 Comments

The Christian indie scene suffered a great loss last week, losing notable drummer Geoff Riley, known best for his immaculate time-keeping skills in the band Puller. The band was formed by Mike Lewis (ex-For Love Not Lisa, secular grunge/post-hardcore band), and hailed from Oklahoma. Mike posted the news of Geoff’s death, and some very poignant thoughts about Riley’s life and artistic contributions to the independent music scene via Instagram. Because it can’t really be said any better than this, I’m linking the post and including the entire text here:

Geoff Riley Instagram Announcement

“Hearing the news of my friend and music partner Geoff Riley passing is an overwhelming devastating loss. I spent my entire music career with the Riley brothers. He and his brother toured with me in one form or another. I loved him and I had the distinct honor to write, record and perform music with Geoff. He’s a rare once in a lifetime talent and an incredible drummer, writer and thinker. Geoff was the true talent behind Puller, everyone whoever saw him play was extremely and immediately impacted by him not just by how good he was but also the kind of man he was.

“Geoff impacted people!! Everyone who came in contact with him found a unique kinship with him, and once you knew him you just wanted to be apart of his tribe. He built memories of matter with people, everyone has a meaningful Geoff Riley story. Geoff loved to laugh and his laugh was a lasting personality defining trait, but laughing on its own wasn’t enough he had this signature move of laughter complimented with a finishing hand clap that made everything bigger and warmer. Regardless how funny the actual story or joke was his laugh made it the greatest thing you heard in that moment.

“Geoff was a music legend and he should be celebrated! It’s a crime there isn’t some monument or plaque in Oklahoma for his contribution to the music scene. Those of you impacted by Geoff join me in filling the internet with love and your stories of Geoff. He is greatly missed!”

Though a relatively small legion, fans of the band tend to be super-dedicated. My favorite Puller song has always been “Last One Out” from the debut album, with its mash-mash of post-hardcore riffs and melodic overtones.

R.I.P. Geoff Riley. Thank you for your immense contribution to our lives and to our music scene.

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September 30, 2024 4:34 pm

Geoff was one of a kind, a true brother. I toured with Geoff and spent a lot of time with him. He was a talented human being. He will be missed.

Nicholas Loup
October 28, 2024 6:24 am

He was a great drummer. Absolutely smashed his kit. Loved the drums on “Hold on to Me” in particular.

Last edited 4 months ago by Nicholas
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