Song of the Day: Seasons in the Field - Eternity

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Hailing from the tri-state area of West Virginia/Pennsylvania/Ohio,this metalcore band only released one cassette demo and one split CD with emocore band Pensive. What is interesting about that split–that is, besides being a spectacular release from two very good and rather unique bands–is that both bands featured members that would soon after go on to join the more well-known Zao. Pensive featured Brett Detar and Martin Lunn, as well as other members who joined Detar’s later band The Juliana Theory. Seasons in the Field featured Russ Cogdell on guitar, and future Zao screamer Dan Weyandt. However, in Seasons in the Field, Dan wasn’t the vocalist, but rather the bassist.

History lesson aside, this was a fantastic, if short-lived band. I say they were unique because (like Zao) they too were a very early example of metalcore. They were firmly rooted in the hardcore scene in the vocal styles and some of the riffing patterns, yet the tempos were way too slow to resemble hardcore punk. At times they slowed down to nearly a snail’s pace, having more in common with sludge than with any form of punk rock. And while the vocals were kind of love-or-hate for fans, I for one appreciated their harsh uniqueness.

In fact, this singular album, and particularly Seasons in the Field’s portion, comprises one of my favorite hardcore releases of all time.

Focused on the unseen, save me from this place
I await the day when I see you face to face
Time after time I try to make things right
I fail in my own filthy righteousness
Lord cleanse me in your purity renew my heart

And when I fall You don’t give up on me
You lift me out of the holes I’ve dug so deep…

In me there is so much failure yet You love me the same…
Lord God my father…
In me there is so much failure yet you love me the same
Today and into eternity help me not to serve the idols of this world.

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