Song of the Day: Skymetal - Apocalipse

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In the decade of the 2000s, there was an explosion of Christian metal bands in Brazil. For quite a while, it looked like that country, and the whole of South America, was set to completely take over Christian metal. And there were quality bands in all subgenres too from melodic metal to the extreme styles of thrash, black, and death metal.

Skymetal formed in 1996 in Uberlandia, in the region of Minas Gerais, not too far away from fellow death metallers Krig, from Belo Horizonte in the same region. And whereas their peers in Krig focused on unlimited brutality, Skymetal followed a more traditional death metal sound. After releasing a demo in 1998, the band continued to be active throughout the 2000s, releasing two full-lengths and a few other miscellaneous projects.

Apocalipse features a raw but traditional death metal sound with a mixture of doomy parts and faster parts with blast beasts. The album focuses on end times events and divine judgment (as so much Christian metal does). Today we’re featuring the title track, which features a slower-paced, doom-influenced sound. Hope you enjoy it!

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