Song of the Day: The Homeless Gospel Choir - Some People

By in Song of The Day | 2 Comments

This controversial acoustic punk artist is a one man band named Derek Zanetti. He can be compared to Destroy Nate Allen which is a fun act to see live. Beware, the song does use the A word towards the song’s end, but it talks about Christians who do not act like Jesus called us to act. The song literally challenges the listener to think about the opposites of who we can be. Most of us interact with people every day. Who do you want to be known as? Someone who follows Christ or someone who doesn’t.


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Loyd Harp
September 18, 2024 10:43 am

This track is awesome. Thanks for sharing!

Loyd Harp
September 18, 2024 10:44 am
Reply to  Loyd Harp

Also reminds me of a slightly punkier version of Bright Eyes with the whole acoustic plus waves of sonic noise.

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