Song of the Day: U2 - Pride (In the Name of Love)

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Let’s get this out of the way. Some of you hate U2 for one reason or another–the ‘pompous’ nature of the lead singer, the ‘self-importance’ of their message, the fact they had the audacity to include a free digital album to people who didn’t ask for it. Others of you will love U2–the ingenuity, the forward-thinking approach to a genre that was struggling when they reinvigorated with new life, and the sincerity with which they tackled a whole host of social issues. Then a few more will be indifferent to the band whatsoever.

Why are we covering U2 in a website known as “Indie Vision Music” (emphasis on indie)? The Irish band started in the early 80s doing a form of rock and roll that wasn’t quite punk, but also wasn’t mainstream. They sang about real issues–faith, peace & violence, justice issues, the beauty of humanity. They didn’t shy away from their Christian faith, even while they shunned using it as a marketing tool, or signing with a Christian label. Their influence on worship music–especially The Edge’s signature ‘textured’ style of guitar playing–is undeniable. They were the first of the “Christians in a band” stance. In fact, Bono said almost exactly that long before it was fashionable for bands on Tooth & Nail to say such.

I rest my case. They belong here. Their catalog is rich and deep, even if you don’t enjoy all of it. I’m going with “Pride (In the Name of Love),” from their 1984 full-length The Unforgettable Fire. The song is a testament to the late Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. and his efforts with human rights, social justice, and racial reconciliation. I don’t buy the idea the cynics put forth that U2 were never sincere, or just phoning it in. There’s way too much passion in this song to fake it. Take it or leave it.

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