Staff Blog (Brandon Jones): A Remembrance

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I wrote this piece for my Grandfather’s funeral that took place on Friday. In case you didn’t know, my grandfather went into the hospital about 3 weeks ago because of a collapsed lung from a biopsy procedure the week before. They went in to remove the cancerous tumor a few days later and discovered that the cancer had already spread throughout his body. The family decided to let him come home with hospice care and live out his final days. His health deteriorated quite quick and he passed away on August 15th at his home. We knew he was up there in age (84, one week before his 85th Birthday) and had lived a great life but we just didn’t realize it would happen so fast. I miss him and this piece titled “A Remembrance” is for him. This also explains why my involvement with IVM has been kind of sporadic over the past 3 weeks. Family comes first and I put this site on the back burner. Anyway, here is what I wrote.

Glen Young: Grandfather, Friend
A Remembrance


Remembering someone close as family is not something you can do lightly. That special bond, spiritual connection developed over years and years of loving kindness, breathes life into this thing we call “A Remembrance”. I remember my grandfather not just for all his life goals and aspirations but also for his careful, loving ways that inspired me to be the man I am today. In Grandpa’s life, love came first for us and his family. He was not one to take a back seat to this thing we call life. He lived it, he breathed it. His stories certainly told of a time that was rich with intrigue and historical significance. Grandpa loved history and he was always telling us such wonderful, colorful stories of his past and the past of this country. I grew up hearing about the Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War 2, and other great battles fought and won by brave men & women who made great sacrfices to provide the freedom we all celebrate so closely to this day. Grandpa loved his past. Growing up in rural West Virginia with a large family (11 Brothers and Sisters), things didn’t come as easy to him as it has for some of us. Food was scarce, money was hard to come by, and most of all the people of the young family worked themselves hard to the bone to provide for each other. That work ethic inspires me today and encourages me to do something more with my life. I don’t take one moment with my grandfather for granted and am so thankful for the years of loving kindness bestowed upon me by him.

Grandpa loved the Lord and continually sought out the spirit of God when he needed to. Life wasn’t easy and all of us are far from living that perfect life. Sin is something that encompasses so much of our human existence. Grandpa wasn’t perfect but what he lacked in his social skills he more than made up with his sacrificial, comforting love. Grandpa loved children and especially the newest additions to our family, Everett and Avaline. Watching Avaline hold grandpa’s hand that one last time towards the end of his life not only brought tears to my eyes but it also put joy in my heart. It brought hope that this next generation of Jones family could love with that same fervent spirit that Grandpa blessed me with during his lifetime.

A remembrance is not just something we do out of respect or honor but also something we do out of love for the person who touched our lives and inspired us along on this journey of life. Grandpa should be remembered as a loving man of God who touched so many lives in not just this family but so many other people he came in contact with. Glen was not just a Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather but also a friend. A lifelong companion that lightened the burdens, and inspired me to live life to it’s fullest extent, hopefully making an impact on this world at large during my lifetime.

So let’s not forget the man he was and the man he became even towards the end. He loved, he endured, and he touched all of us so greatly. I love you grandpa and will forever miss that special bond we created together. You will be missed long after this funeral and our gathering.

A remembrance, that is what we say, of a great life and journey. God holds you close and will forever look after you. Rest in peace.

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