Streaming Church Services

By in Articles, Streams | 2 Comments

“It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” -Matthew 4:4

Good day to you brothers and sisters! I pray that everyone is being safe and doing well! I’m doing this post because even though rules and regulations have been set to keep the spread of the COVID virus, we still need to hear the word of God.

Now it is good to read and study your bibles and even have a discussion amongst those in your households, but as the Lord continues to give us discernment, we also have pastors appointed to lead us and educate us in God’s word. The pastor at my home church, Christ Covenant ,in my home town in Texas has always had a heart for the Lord and his sermons are strongly rooted in God’s word never veering, never re-wording to tickle the ears to comform to the world.

They just started live streaming today, Christ Covenant Church YouTube Page ,and since my wife and I have yet to find a new church here in Michigan, especially with the social distancing ordinances, I wanted to share. If there are issues with the YouTube streaming, please check their Facebook as they will reroute there: Christ Covenant Church Facebook

Please feel free to add in the comments your church of choice that is currently doing live streams as well.

Take care, Be safe, and Christ bless you!

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Lee Brown
April 3, 2020 1:08 pm

Check out Altitude Church in Denver.

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