Author: Benji Kunz

February 4, 2017

REVIEW : From Small Seeds Come Giant Trees - DENS

Worship music.” It’s a descriptor that makes avid music listeners groan more often than not, even in Christian circles. While there are many people out there who are happy turning on their local Christian radio station–and more power to them!–the more picky among us are a little weary of hearing the same style of U2-influenced radio rock that Chris Tomlin and Casting Crowns have used and reused again and again. As much as we may respect the impact those artists have had, are there not more bands out there who are dedicated to reverent, biblical lyrics and creative musicianship?… Continued →

January 5, 2017

REVIEW : The Burning Edge of Dawn - Andrew Peterson

Anyone who’s close to me knows that I’m the unofficial president of the Andrew Peterson fan club (or a prominent cabinet member at least). In recent years, I’ve fallen in love with his extensive discography. He released his first full-length Carried Along back in 2000 and has consistently released music ever since. And yet, he’s somehow stayed under the radar for most people. His songs carry a subtle beauty that’s easy to miss on only one or two listens, but with each new listen there’s a new treasure to dig up.… Continued →

January 3, 2017

The Best of 2016: Ben Kunz

The Best of 2016: Ben Kunz Here’s my personal list of favorite albums that came out in 2016. This wasn’t as incredible a year for music as 2015 was for me, but it still ended up being pretty solid. I’m a long-winded guy so for the sake of anyone who might read this I saved the descriptions for the top 15 only. Check it out and let me know your thoughts below!! Secular artists who have little or no ties to the Christian music world have asterisks beside them.… Continued →

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