Author: Chris W

Chris W, 23, lives in Alexandria, VA (right outside Washington DC) with his wife Lexi and is by profession a pastry chef, and by hobby synthpop artist Ursa Robotica.

February 11, 2012

May 16, 2011

November 15, 2009

November 12, 2009

October 12, 2009

REVIEW : Luther-N - Dogmatics

Band: Luther-N Album: Dogmatics Label: YoungSide Records Release Date: Reviewed By: Chris W Tracklisting: 01: The Atonement 02: Rest In Peace 03: Confession 04: Show Me Now 05: I Believe 06: Just By Faith 07: The Show 08: Nobody Move 09: The Table 10: Take My Life 11: Reformation Christian industrial has pretty much stayed in the background of the general music scene. With only a few bands making any kind of name for themselves such as Mortal, Circle Of Dust, and Klank. The cold hard fact in my experience is that when it comes to industrial your either good or downright awful, there’s not much of a middle ground.… Continued →

September 25, 2009

August 8, 2009

REVIEW : The Farewell Scene - Broken Halos EP

Band: The Farewell Scene Album: Broken Halos & Clipped Wings Label: N/A Reviewed By: Chris W Tracklisting:
  1. The Love You Seek
  2. Unending
  3. You Count The Stars
With the recent blow up of electro-pop and other sub-genres (the validity of which is debatable because most of the bands are straight up terrible) there are going to be a lot of awful bands that are out to ride the trend and make money, and then there are going to be the ones with an actual heart for the music they’re making.… Continued →

August 3, 2009

July 30, 2009

REVIEW : Venia - Frozen Hands

Band: Venia Label: Blood & Ink Release Date: July 2009 Reviewed By: Chris W *Used with permission from Christian Music Zine* Do you like fast paced chug chug hardcore? Do the sounds of Terror, Seventh Star, or No Innocent Victim excite you? Do you like bold spirit filled hardcore? If so then this album probably sounds like at least 5 other cd’s you already own but still love, and you’ll probably add this one to your collection and adore it. Ok, now that I’ve gotten that off my chest I hope you realize that I am in no way knocking or hating on Venia.… Continued →

July 14, 2009

June 22, 2009

REVIEW : In The Midst Of Lions - Out Of Darkness

Band: In The Midst Of Lions Album: Out Of Darkness Label: Strike First Records Release Date: May 26, 2009 Reviewed By: Chris W Tracklisting: 01. Awaken the Dawn 02. Tongues Of Fire 03. Out Of Darkness 04. Field Of Blood 05. Paid In Full 06. Manifesto 07. Crucifixion And Burial 08. He Is Risen 09. Herod’s Demise 10. Into The Light As deathcore become more and more popular, just like all the other “xCore” genres, one band makes a wave and 100 more jump on for the ride.… Continued →

June 12, 2009

REVIEW : Reapers Are The Angels - S/T

Band: Reapers Are The Angels Label: N/A Reviewed By: Chris W Tracklisting: 01. Visions 02. Silence The Accuser 03. The Dichotomy Of Grace 04. The Immolation Dear Facedown/Strikefirst Records, I’d like to introduce you to the next band that you really should consider signing. Don’t think we haven’t noticed your love for bold brutal deathcore of late, what with signing Earth From Above, Impending Doom, and In The Midst Of Lions. For those of you unfamiliar with these guys (and girl) Reapers Are The Angels is a six piece keys backed deathcore band from Virginia that is passionate about their message.… Continued →

May 12, 2009

REVIEW : The Devil Wears Prada- With Roots Above And Branches Below

Artist: The Devil Wears Prada Album: With Roots Above And Branches Below Label: Ferret Release Date: 5/5/2009 Reviewed By: Chris W Tracklisting: 01. Sassafras 02. I Hate Buffering 03. Assistant to the Regional Manager 04. Dez Moines 05. Big Wiggly Style 06. Danger: Wildman 07. Ben Has a Kid 08. Wapakalypse 09. Gimme Half 10. Louder Than Thunder 11. Lord Xenu Back in 2005 I ordered a self released album by a little band called The Devil Wears Prada and immediately fell in love with it.… Continued →

May 1, 2009

REVIEW : Joy Electric - Curiosities and Such

Artist: Joy Electric Title: Curiosities And Such Label: eepSociety Release Date: April 21, 2009 Review By: Chris W Tracklisting: 01.Curiosities And Such 02.Which Witch 03. Headley Grange 04. Let Us Speak No More, Let Us Speak Light 05. Cluster Of Bare Trees 06. Misuses, Atrocities Joy Electric is the Tooth & Nail anomaly that’s been consistently putting out albums since 1994. And yet with all the albums and EP’s he’s put out just under the name Joy Electric (approximately 24 including a unplugged and a Christmas album).… Continued →

April 15, 2009

REVIEW : Incrave - Dead End

Finally a review of Incrave. After having it for a few months and the CD continuously getting lost under all the others I have picked up. I saw it today and decided it was time to not let it pass me by again. So, many apologies to Brandon for this one taking so freaking long.

March 25, 2009

REVIEW : Love Begotten - The Great Unrest

Band: Love Begotten Title: The Great Unrest Label: N/A Reviewed By: Chris W Track Listing: 1.I Don’t Wanna Die Without Scars 2.The Horse and It’s Rider 3. The Real McCoy 4.You Sound Like You’re From New York Please welcome newcomers to  the arena of chaotic metal-core so long dominated by bands like Norma Jean, The Chariot, and Botch: Love Begotten. This five piece hailing from Oklahoma has recently unleashed a four track auditory beating on the music world.  This is my style of metal for sure.… Continued →

February 24, 2009

REVIEW : And Then There Were None - Who Speaks For Planet Earth?

Band: And Then There Were None Title: Who Speaks For Planet Earth? Label: Tooth And Nail Records Release Date: 2/24/2009 Review By: Chris W. Tracklising: 1. Murmurs Of… 2. John Orr The Arsonists 3. The Hospital 4. Reinventing Robert Cohn 5.  Action Is The Anecdote 6. The Atmosphere 7. Cloak And Dagger 8. Right Here Waiting 9. Bed Of Nails 10. Thank The Watchmaker 11. The Alamo 12. Insozzz… Generic? Check. Unoriginal? Check. A whole crap-ton of dance fun? Check Check Check! Say what you will, this album is a lot of fun, and blows just about every other dance or electro pop album recently release away. … Continued →

February 23, 2009


Could you tell me who the members of the band are, and what they do in the band?  John Burton, the foreigner, I say that because he moved here to Oklahoma from Georgia about a month ago. John plays “tasty” guitar  melodies, keys, and is the other primary songwriter. Zachary Wurzbach (Rippy McShrederton) plays bass and rules. And then there is myself, I’m the primary songwriter and I sing, play guitar, keys, and percussion in the band. Right now we have a couple of awesome other fellas that will be playing with us live, but for now it’s just us three.… Continued →

February 18, 2009

REVIEW : Redemption - Demo EP

Band: Redemption Album: Demo EP Label: N/A Reviewed By: Chris W In the realm of hardcore, originality is virtually nonexistent. What I see as important in a hardcore group is their passion and their message. You have your bands that constantly sing about winning “the fight” but what fight are they really singing about? Then there’s the band that sing so much about family, unfortunately for all their family oriented lyricism, the scene is more divided than ever. When it comes to Redemption, they have more to sing about, and it’s in their name.… Continued →

February 4, 2009

REVIEW : Once Dead - Visions Of Hell

Band: Once Dead Album: Visions Of Hell Label: Open Grave Records Reviewed By: Chris W Before I start this review, let me say that I really don’t listen to much thrash metal, nor do I know much about it. That said, this cd was really a lot of fun to listen to. Once Dead was the resurrection of the  controversy laden band Vengeance Rising, and has become a sort of christian supergroup now featuring members of not only Vengeance Rising but also The Crucified, Fasedown, Hirax, and Deliverance.… Continued →

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