Author: Carter Fraser
June 23, 2012
It's another Come&Live! album...
June 10, 2012
REVIEW : The Welcome Wagon - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
Quaint and familiar, Precious Remedies has all the charm it needs...
REVIEW : The Welcome Wagon - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
Quaint and familiar, Precious Remedies has all the charm it needs...
June 2, 2012
REVIEW : Tongue&Pen - The Likeness EP
Different enough…
REVIEW : Tongue&Pen - The Likeness EP
Different enough…
May 29, 2012
REVIEW : My Double, My Brother - What We Found Beneath The Ground
A softer side of southern indie rock…
May 8, 2012
REVIEW : mewithoutYou - Ten Stories
One story...
May 6, 2012
REVIEW : JT Daly - Memory
Hurry Up Paper Route, We’re still Dreaming of that 2nd LP…
April 30, 2012
REVIEW : Rocky Loves Emily - Secrets Don't Make Friends
Give them some credit...
REVIEW : Rocky Loves Emily - Secrets Don't Make Friends
Give them some credit...
April 23, 2012
REVIEW : Stay the Shores - White Snow Red River
Well-crafted southern rock for lighter moods...
April 17, 2012
REVIEW : Kye Kye - Young Love Remix EP
A surprisingly poor tinkering...
April 12, 2012
REVIEW : Ghostree - Ghostree EP
A mixed bag from the British quartet...
April 8, 2012
REVIEW : Tallhart - Bloodlines
Much closer to the Mark…
April 6, 2012
REVIEW : Geology - The Neighboring Sea EP
Another successful EP from the mewithoutYou bassist...
April 3, 2012
REVIEW : Jeff Jacquay - La Cambria
Despite his constant morose sound, the former Unashamed vocalist has crafted a strangely lively album.