Author: JH

January 7, 2017

The Best of 2016: JH

It feels like a cliché at this point to introduce a list along with a meta commentary on the nature of lists, etc, but I still feel the need to clarify that as much as I love making lists, the order of my picks have swapped more places more often than I can count, and will probably change tomorrow. It’s also a bit more diverse (between indie and established artists) and, well, random than my previous years have been.  IVM favorite bands who a few years ago would have been shoe-ins on my year end list released albums this year that never clicked (Relient K,  House of Heroes, Paper Route, Switchfoot, Showbread, Future of Forestry, etc) — and as a caveat for IVM readers expecting Christian artists, many of my picks are decidedly not religious, though I hope you’ll give them a chance regardless.… Continued →

November 10, 2016

INTERVIEW : Joshua Powell of Joshua Powell & The Great Train Robbery

Joshua Powell, of Joshua Powell & The Great Train Robbery, was kind enough to talk with me over email about his music last year. Our discussion covers his take on the current state of the American folk scene, the difficulty navigating between the business and artistic aspects of being a professional musician, and his personal creative songwriting process on his third album Aylosha. IVM: Alyosha is your third album, following up 2013’s Man Is Born For Trouble, and I can hear the two-year gap.Continued →

April 9, 2015

February 19, 2015

February 17, 2015

February 13, 2015

REVIEW : Aaron Strumpel - Bright Star

Aaron Strumpel continues to push against the limits of Christian music, and although Bright Star may not be his most experimental, it's a fine showcase for the care, creativity, and simple beauty of his music.

February 3, 2015

February 1, 2015

REVIEW : The Collection - Ars Moriendi

The Collection's latest album, Ars Moriendi, is a set of poignant, beautiful reflections of death, doubt, and faith set against a lush, orchestral folk backdrop.

January 6, 2015

November 17, 2014

September 19, 2014

August 25, 2014

INTERVIEW : Bill Mallonee

I was lucky enough to talk with Bill Mallonee about his upcoming album Winnowing and the intersection between faith and art; much of it was off the record, but here are a few of his words to shed light on the album and his approach to songwriting.

July 18, 2014

INTERVIEW : David Wimbish: Part One

David Wimbish of The Collection was kind enough to take some time and have a conversation with me over email. We talked about The Collection's new album, "Ars Moriendi," how the writing process works, what it's like to have a family for a band, faith, hope, love, and everything else in between.

July 3, 2014

REVIEW : Remington Stallard - Houses

The debut offering from Remington Stallard, a singer songerwriter from Waco, Texas, Houses, is a blend of worship and indie rock that sounds like it would be at home on Come&Live!

July 2, 2014

June 19, 2014

REVIEW : Sleeping At Last - Oceans

Sleeping At Last's Oceans may not be a complex cornucopia of sounds and instruments, choosing instead to rely heavily on the piano, but its deceptive simplicity will reel you in.

June 14, 2014

June 6, 2014

June 2, 2014

May 22, 2014

The Collection - The Gown of Green

Orchestral folk rockers from Greensboro, NC, The Collection, have just released their first single from their upcoming album Ars Moriendi. Originally premiering on NPR, here's the live video of "The Gown of Green". I can't recommend them enough, so do yourself a favour and check them out below.

May 21, 2014

April 9, 2014

REVIEW : The Remission Flow - Rhythms Of Grace

Remission Flow leaves me conflicted: Rhythm Of Grace still has vestiges of the cliché riddled CCM that drove me away from most mainstream worship acts, but they have a spark of creativity and a refreshing purpose behind their music that sets them far from the madding crowd.

April 8, 2014

March 25, 2014

REVIEW : King's Kaleidoscope - Live in Color

King’s Kaleidoscope delivers passionate worship with artistic integrity in this latest release,and though they have an occasional misstep, I think Live in Color is going to resonate with quite a few people.

March 3, 2014

February 26, 2014

February 19, 2014

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