Author: Rebecca Cicione

Rebecca Cicione is from southern New Jersey. She will be graduating from Rowan University in May, with a degree in Public Relations. She's interned and worked with various labels and musicians including Come&Live!, Sony/Columbia and Dreamlight Entertainment. Oh and writing is one of her favorite things.

May 27, 2011

INTERVIEW : Since Forever

Before their set on Family Force’s Five “Tourantula” concert in Philadelphia, PA, photographer Chrissy Dumire and I met up with Brendan Johnson (guitar/vox) of Since Forever in the small alley behind The Trocadero in Chinatown. He was finishing up another interview when we got there, yet still entered ours with excitement and an unmatched energy. Despite the fact that my voice recorder was close to being confiscated by venue security who, once again, didn’t believe that we were there as journalists, the interview went well. Brendan’s whit and uncanny character shine through in the following transcription.… Continued →

May 11, 2011

REVIEW : Tourantula Show Review

Tourantula. Who would expect a less extravagant name for a Family Force 5 tour? Fortunately, no hairy, long-legged arachnids showed their faces at this event (at least not at this particular date), but the show was adventurous nonetheless. I won’t go into too many details if you haven’t yet seen it, but I will say this – opening band Since Forever has a ton of energy. They’re new to this national tour jamboree and bring an excited, positive, hopeful demeanor to the show. They opened their set with Justin Bieber’s “Baby Baby.”… Continued →

March 29, 2011


He is We recently finished a stint on the road with The Scene Aesthetic, Carter Hulsey and Plugin Stereo. When they played Wilmington, DE a friend and I met up with Trevor Kelly, half of the boy/girl duo. Their performance was great. While most of the audience members were not familiar with the band’s songs, more than half were singing along as vocalist Rachel Taylor taught the crowd a chorus or two. After their set we met up with Trevor outside the venue, amidst multiple fans and even parents who wanted his attention.… Continued →

March 8, 2011

INTERVIEW : Before There Was Rosalyn

Some people are just really legit people to hang out with. Hilarious, sincere and not afraid to have a chill conversation. The guys in Before There Was Rosalyn fit this description quite well. During our rather long conversation on a freezing cold winter night outside the Ukraine Center in Philadelphia, photographer Chrissy Dumire and I listened as they shared with us why it is they’re sticking it out on the hard road of touring, how they stay accountable to each other and even how much they love their moms.… Continued →

December 28, 2010

October 23, 2010


To risk sounding rather cliché, I’d like to start off by saying that My Epic is – well, epic in every way. Whether it’s the music, lyrics, stage presence or the heart of the band itself, “epic” is a rather fitting term all around. Back before “epic” was the buzz word and before they had ever played a show – lead singer Aaron Stone liked to use the term. “Every time I wanted to describe how our music should sound, I’d use the word epic,” he recalls.… Continued →

September 14, 2010

INTERVIEW : Bradley Hathaway

(photo by Olivia Sharpe) Bradley Hathaway is a poet turned musician. His thoroughly open and honest lyrics have both attracted and turned away fans of all ages. From my observation, he seems to have one of those “love it or hate it” styles. But the types and amount of fans that Bradley has, might surprise you. Hardcore kids and swaying indie students alike will sit and listen to his spoken word and music. I fit into neither of those categories – but honestly, Bradley Hathaway’s art and personality have always intrigued me.… Continued →

September 8, 2010

September 7, 2010

INTERVIEW : House of Heroes

I’ll admit it – I’m a huge House of Heroes fan. Ever since I first saw them at Purple Door Festival a few years back I’ve been hooked. Now as I sit here and hope that someone decides to buy me a copy of the seemingly amazing Suburba (hint hint, Gotee) – I’m absolutely stoked to share with all of you the conversation I had with Tim a few weeks ago.… Continued →

August 3, 2010

INTERVIEW : Newsboys

For a band like The Newsboys, everything’s been said – and it’s been said a million different ways. I doubt there’s a single person in the Christian music scene that hasn’t heard of them. They’ve seen six records go gold, countless #1 hits, Dove awards and national and global press. After having participated in countless interviews, these guys have gotten smart. So much so, that during our conversation, drummer Duncan Phillips was able to tell me what my next question would be. That is, until I switched gears from talking about their new album, to talking about their new message.… Continued →

May 26, 2010

INTERVIEW : The Letter Black

After signing with Tooth & Nail, The Letter Black wasted no time in making a name for themselves. Their Breaking The Silence EP debuted in 2009, and they gained exposure while on tour with Skillet, Hawk Nelson and Decyfer Down. It was at one of these shows that I first heard them. As I worked their merch table and heard Sarah’s powerful vocals sing to the packed out audience, I was quite impressed. It’s not often than a female fronted rock band makes such an impact.… Continued →

May 20, 2010

INTERVIEW : Ivoryline

When Ivoryline debuted There Came a Lion, back in 2008, I was asked to provide a short review of the record for a magazine. They were a new band to me. But as soon as I listened, I was hooked. Since then I have been an avid Ivoryline fan – continuously looking forward to the day when they would play a show near me. Well, almost two years later, I had the chance to see a live set. With intense lyrics, catchy hooks and an immense amount of energy, the band is currently rocking venues across the country with Madina Lake and The Classic Crime.… Continued →

January 23, 2010


With the success of their recent "Every Band In The USA" parody video, rumors quickly spread that the Cyrus clan had filed a lawsuit against the Chicago pop band, The Fold. I caught up with lead singer Dan Castady to find out what happened, how life as an independent band has been, and what's in the future of The Fold. Also, be sure to check out their full length, Dear Future Come Get Me - if you enjoyed the parody, or even if you didn't, true pop/rock fans will love this record.

December 18, 2009

REVIEW : Days Divide - Aurora

Band: Days Divide Title: Aurora Label: N/A Release Date: 2009 Review by: Rebecca Cicione Tracklisting
  1. All We Know
  2. Edge Of The Earth
  3. Sunset Eyes
  4. Long Sleeves
  5. Uprising
  6. Left Behind
  7. The End Has Come
  8. Burn Away
  9. The Getaway
There are some indie bands that deserve attention from music gurus, avid fans, and labels looking for a great investment.  They are a cut above the rest due to their mature sound, high recording quality, and mature songwriting – but they’re sometimes hard to find. Apparently, Lexington, KY has been hiding hard rock act Days Divide for a little over a year now.… Continued →

December 10, 2009

INTERVIEW : Sleeping Giant

A friend and I recently caught up with Tommy, front man of Sleeping Giant, before one of their shows on the  Winds of Plague and Stick to Your Guns tour. A very clean cut, straightedge guy, he spoke about worship, ministry, and plans for a new album. It’s rather lengthy – but more than worth the read. After the interview, we were able to witness their incredibly energetic and powerful set.  With determination and backing from fans both in and out of the church, Sleeping Giant shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.… Continued →

October 28, 2009

INTERVIEW : Hawk Nelson

Since Letters To The President released in 2004, Hawk Nelson has been rocking fans across the world. This Canadian four-piece has four full-length albums to its name, and is currently on the road for the “Awake & Alive Tour” with Skillet, Decyfer Down and The Letter Black. I caught up with Jason at one of the tour stops to ask a few questions. Read on to find out what he had to say about the newest record, and his answers to some of your questions!

October 19, 2009

INTERVIEW : A Road Less Traveled

For the past eight years, these five Texans have determinantely traveled the music business road. Many bands have walked (or rather, driven) this path - but A Road Less Traveled has continually proven themselves to be a cut above the rest. With a strong fan base, significant touring schedule, and two full-length releases, ARLT is poised to break through the indie scene rather soon. Their music posseses character, and many instrumental layers. Their songs are catchy and meaningful...and sure to be placed on "repeat." Check out what they had to say in response to a few questions I sent their way:

October 9, 2009

INTERVIEW : Wolves Among Sleep

Since signing to Blue Duck Records, Wolves Among Sleep has been working hard to establish themselves in the scene. With a name that can be easily confused, a sound that spans genres, and an extreme dedication to fans, this is a hardcore act you will want to check out. Listen in on my chat with bass player Tyler Helstrom during New England's Soulfest.

October 2, 2009

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