The Best of 2017: Noah Hardwick

By in Best of Lists 2017 | 5 Comments

1. Colony House “Only The Lonely”

Only The Lonely really struck a cord with my personally. Every song on this album revolves around our need for each other–a message I sorely need to hear. Thankfully, this record rocks and got spun a lot in 2017.

2. Knox Hamilton “The Heights”

Named after a neighborhood in Little Rock, Arkansas, The Heights is most most played album of 2017. Maybe I’m a little bias because Knox Hamilton is from my hometown. Or maybe the album is just that good. Regardless, I highly recommend this album to anyone looking for some fun alternative music to blast in the car as you drive around town.

3. Acceptance “Colliding By Design”

I forgot how good this album is. I fell in love with it when it came out in the early months of 2017. But as the went on I all but forgot about it until I started compiling this list. Acceptance may have taken 12 years to release a follow up to Phantoms, but they avoided the sophomore slump.

4. Kingslynn “Into the White Light”

2017 provided us with plenty of 80’s influenced music, but Into the White Light is my favorite. Full of synths and haunting vocals, I cannot recommend checking out album enough if you’re a fan of Kye Kye or anything 80’s.

5. Eisley “I’m Only Dreaming”

I was never really an Eisley fan. So while many found this album disappointing because it lacks the harmony of the DuPree sisters found on previous albums, I loved the new direction the band took. The slightly rockier sound paired with the amazing vocals of Sherri made this one of my favorite albums of 2017.

6. Jule Vera “Waiting On The Sun”

If I was giving an award for most improved band of 2017 I would give it to Jule Vera. Not that their previous EP was bad. But with Waiting On The Sun the band really comes into their own. The band settles on a quirky unique sound works perfectly with Ansley Newman’s vocal style.

7. Izzi Ray “Liminality”

One of only two artists on this list I was unfamiliar with before 2017, Liminality came out of nowhere and took me by surprise. The daughter of well known CCM artist Crystal Lewis, Izzi Ray manages to craft an album of chill pop songs that are full of potential energy.

8. Coopertheband “Kingdoms”

Kingdoms is the follow up to Coopertheband’s previous EP, Kings. Loosely based on the life of David, Kingdoms is a fun album of folk, rock, and pop.

9. The New Respects “Here Comes Trouble”

The New Respects are the band to watch. Having toured with the likes of Switchfoot and NEEDTOBREATHE, Here Comes Trouble is the first non-single release from the band. Their blend of rock and soul is a much needed breathe of fresh air into the Christian music scene. This is the band to watch in 2018.

10. AC.jR & Brady James “Vanity”

Who are these guys? I’d never heard of them until I stumbled across a remix of one of their songs while compiling me weekly new release listVanity proved to be a excellent blend of EDM, hip hop, and pop.

Honorable Mentions:

Company of Saints “Programmer”
Eikon “Look Up”
Marshall Marshall “Lost // Found”

More Best of 2017 Lists

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james p
james p
December 26, 2017 12:02 am

dude I just stared to listening Colony House because of you. They’re amazing

Joshua Clifton
December 26, 2017 11:41 am

Good list.

December 28, 2017 5:07 am

Hey everyone! So I’ve been trying to post my top 25 favorites of the year to share with others with links where to find them, but for some reason it’s not posting. Some of the releases are available for FREE. Since it’s not being posted, you can find the majority of them on my bandcamp page along with other great FREE music here:
Enjoy and Christ be with you!

December 26, 2017 3:41 pm

So the following are my top 25 favorites of 2017. As always, I included a link by the releases. The FREE ones are listed closer to the end. Enjoy and Christ be with you! En Mi Lugar – S/T $7 here: American Arson – Waymaker $4.99 here: Flatfoot 56 – Odd Boat $9.99 here: TAKE – The Dead Will Rise $6.93 on itunes Advent – Pain & Suffering $3.99 here: My Brother’s Keeper – Dreamers of Dreams $5 here: Pleading Guilty – Defacto $7 here: Living Fire – Every Saint Has A Past, Every… Read more »

December 25, 2017 9:06 pm

So the following are my top 25 favorites of 2017. As always, I included a link by the releases. The FREE ones are listed closer to the end. Enjoy and Christ be with you! En Mi Lugar – S/T $7 here: American Arson – Waymaker $4.99 here: Flatfoot 56 – Odd Boat $9.99 here: TAKE – The Dead Will Rise $6.93 on itunes Advent – Pain & Suffering $3.99 here: My Brother’s Keeper – Dreamers of Dreams $5 here: Pleading Guilty – Defacto $7 here: Living Fire – Every Saint Has A Past, Every… Read more »

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