Video Flashback

March 31, 2012

Slick Shoes - Alone

Today’s Video Flashback is from the band Slick Shoes and their song “Alone” off the “Self Titled” 2002 release on Tooth & Nail Records. The band had/has such a catchy pop-punk sound as evidenced on this track. Their Tooth & Nail albums were all great. It’s also interesting to note that when the band released their first ep on T&N, the singer (Ryan) was only 14! Crazy. The band has recently reunited and have begun playing shows. There is even talk of a new album.… Continued →

March 30, 2012

Blindside - Pitiful

Today’s Video Flashback comes from Sweden based Post-Hardcore band, Blindside, and their song “Pitiful” (from “Silence” 2002 Atlantic Records). So many different viewpoints and opinions arise when talking about Blindside and their vast collection of music over the years. My personal favorite is still this album, although the 2011 release is also quite good. Discuss your favorite Blindside albums and how this band shaped your musical taste, below. Also, in case you missed last years’ video for “Our Love Saves Us”, you can find that below too.… Continued →

March 29, 2012

Poor Old Lu - All Pretty For the TV

Today’s Video Flashback comes from the Alt-Rock band, Poor Old Lu, which released several (awesome) albums in the early to late 90’s on Alarma Records. The band attempted a short lived come back of sorts in 2002 with their Tooth & Nail album “The Waiting Room”. The band featured brothers Aaron Sprinkle (Fair/Rose Blossom Punch/Studio Producer/Solo) and Jesse Sprinkle (has gone on to play in bands like Demon Hunter, Dead Poetic, Morellas Forest, Serene, and solo work), Nick Barber (also of Fair), and Scott Hunter.… Continued →

March 28, 2012

Olivia the Band - Saturday

Today’s video flashback is from the Hawaiian pop-punk band, Olivia the Band. The song is “Saturday” off their “Self Titled” 2005 release (Provident/Sony BMG). I talked with these guys on multiple occasions and caught them live. They were a great band and great guys from one of my favorite states, Hawaii. Enjoy!… Continued →

March 27, 2012

Living Sacrifice - Reject

Today’s Video Flashback is from a metal band most of would consider to be “Legends” of the music scene. They have a rich history and talent that many bands half their age wish they possessed. Many will argue about which Living Sacrifice album is their favorite and even my personal preference is slowly changing. Discuss this great band and their many contributions to the music scene, below. By the way, the song is “Reject” from the “Reborn” album (1997 Solid State Records).… Continued →

March 26, 2012

Beloved - Aimless Endeavor

Today’s Video Flashback is the track “Aimless Endeavor” from the band Beloved off their 2003 Solid State release, “Failure On”. This band really perfected a style that is so prevalent in today’s music scene, yet they did it almost 10 years ago. The band was short lived however, releasing only an ep through Vindicated Records (later re-released by Solid State) and the one full length “Failure On”.… Continued →

March 25, 2012

March 24, 2012

Off the Record - Death of Me

I am giving you a double dose of Video Flashback today since it’s Saturday and I am sure many of us are bored 😉 Today’s Video Flashback is from the band Off the Record. This band released one album on Tooth & Nail Records (Remember When) before splitting and then signed with New School Records. They released a full length “Mulligan” (2002) and their finest release to date the “Nothing New” ep which released in 2004. This band had that So. Cal. skate punk sound down and really started going places with their last and final ep.… Continued →

Black Eyed Sceva - Justified

Today’s Video Flashback is from 90’s alt-rock band, Black Eyed Sceva for their song “Justified” from the album “Way Before the Flood” (1995 Five Minute Walk Records). Video is a little grainy as it appears someone either recorded from a VHS or filmed their TV. This band still ranks high on my list of favorite acts from the 90’s in the Christian rock scene. They released “Way Before the Flood” and an EP before changing their name to “Model Engine” and then released “Lean Years Tradition” in 97′.… Continued →

March 23, 2012

March 22, 2012

March 21, 2012

Stavesacre - An Eclipsing

Today’s Video Flashback is actually a double dose and comes in the form of two song froms Stavesacre. The song/video for “An Eclipsing” appeared on the band’s second album for Tooth & Nail titled “Absolutes” (1997). The second song/video is “It’s Beautiful Once You’re Out Here” off the 2006 release “How to Live With a Curse” (Abacus/Century Media). There is almost a 10 year break between these two videos so I thought i’d give you a double shot of awesome. If you’ve never heard of Stavesacre, I encourage you to check them out and pick up an album or two.… Continued →

March 20, 2012

Project 86 - One Armed Man

I am going to start a new feature here at IVM called “Video Flashback”. It’ll just be a simple video from the past that will hopefully strike up some conversation and good memories. Today’s Video Flashback is Project 86 “One Armed Man”. I will try to post these daily. The song appears on the Project 86 album “Drawing Black Lines” (2000).… Continued →