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March 10, 2019

Good Saint Nathanael - Hide No Truth

If you’re reading this review, chances are you’re aware of Nate Allen. Released a ton of folk-punk albums with wife Tessa as Destroy Nate Allen. DNA was energetic, fun, and although there was always a message, it was generally focused outward (“Jesus, Keep us Safe from the Cops” and “Boobie Bar” come to mind). Good Saint Nathaniel is Nate’s latest project, a solo outing, in which he turns inward to personal reflection and resolution. And the results are surprisingly good. Stylistically this is indie folk. Closest comparisons I can make are Damien Jurado’s darker stuff (there are no pop songs here), or even some of Mark Kozelek’s stuff (Red House Painters, Sun Kil Moon), but with more uplifting content.… Continued →

March 9, 2019

Heath McNease - Be Clean Again

Be Clean Again feels like a Sunday. The weather is somber, you’re feeling introspective, and everything just seems rather slow. Very little of Heath McNease’s latest effort (save for “Believe”) could be deemed upbeat from a musical or lyrical standpoint. This album is 54 minutes of slow hip-hop meets folk, never lacking in sincerity or seriousness. While McNease is most proficient at handling this task – being the guitar playing and singing, yet thought provoking rapper, that he is – Be Clean Again made my eyes (and heart) feel a shade heavy.… Continued →

March 8, 2019

March 4, 2019

Demon Hunter - War

There’s really no need for any introduction to these giants. However over the years, Demon Hunter’s sound has slowly transformed from that signature “DH” sound to a cleaner vocal driven sound. With mixed responses, Ryan Clark has continued to showcase his pipes with an impressive vocal range and control. So here we are not even two years after Outlive with two brand new albums from the band. The two are musically separated into two categories. War handles the heavier side of Demon Hunter, while Peace handles the softer side.… Continued →

February 13, 2019

Stephen Mark Sarro - The Spirit Shrill

Most readers will know Stephen best as the founder/frontman for alternative metal acts Tantrum of the Muse and Unteachers. Where Tantrum and Unteachers ‘taught’ us how to rock out, solo Sarro efforts want to make us uncomfortable. Spirit Shrill is his second solo album, continuing to explore experimental and noise fields. This album is one 55-minute-long track, although there are distinct movements within the piece. Samples abound, and whereas SMS’s last solo album critiqued our culture’s fascination with sex, Spirit Shrill is an unapologetic critique of the Charismatic movement.… Continued →

January 31, 2019

The Drowned God - I'll Always Be the Same

I’ll Always Be the Same is a tiring listen. For an album that focuses on negative thoughts and emotions, the lyrics really accentuate the music. Human psychology is paradoxical in the sense that even when emotions and thoughts seem to repeat themselves, they can never actually be the same qualitatively, since they occur at different points in time. The music of The Drowned God is an effigy of consciousness, for the song structures are entirely unpredictable, even when there is repetition at either the lyrical or musical level.… Continued →

January 6, 2019

December 16, 2018

December 14, 2018

December 10, 2018

Dystopian Futures - The Tyranny of Things

  The Tyranny of Things, the latest release from Dystopian Futures, builds on the foundation laid during the band’s debut self-titled EP, and Low Arts. This world is a dangerous place. And it’s not just the horrific scenes that appear on the evening news. The danger lies in our hands, our thoughts, and by the technology that absorbs and directs our every waking moment. The opening notes of “Dead Philosophers”, leaves the listener expecting a light pop song. Not so. The vocals build to a shout, naming philosopher after philosopher, no longer alive.… Continued →

December 7, 2018

Thin Ice "Misery Noose"

San Antonio, Texas' Metallic Hardcore act Thin Ice has recently released demos for what would've been their full length follow up to their Blood & Ink records EP release "Revelation Through Tribulation". Needless to say, this doesn't disappoint in the least. Heavy and aggressive as expected.

Young Oceans "Songs of Christmas"

There are albums that one finds out about and count the days in anticipation for its release. Young Oceans' "Songs of Christimas" is one album that I, myself was not aware was being worked out, but was exceptionally joyed upon hearing of it's release.

December 5, 2018

Eager Seas promises new album

Eager Seas - Mine As Well

Eager Seas' latest release is composed of songs released consecutively throughout 2018. Does it suffer from being single-driven or does it maintain enough cohesion to be considered a proper album? Does this question even matter?

December 2, 2018

Review: Amongst the Giants - Obscene

A while ago, I remember hearing a small snippet of a track from a band I would later find out was Amongst the Giants; just a few seconds in length really, but based solely on that, I already had high expectations of what was to come and was eager to hear more. Then, in April, that “more” came in the form of the bands first single, “Lost In Translation” and my expectations rose even higher. So, when the time came, and it was announced that the debut album, “Obscene” would have a November 16th release date, it really felt far away.… Continued →

November 27, 2018

Review: Fight the Fury - Still Breathing

Before I came to a place of faith in my life, I was really, REALLY into Marilyn Manson. Odd way to start this review? Maybe, but stick with me. When I finally did come to faith in Christ, I guess I really had little idea of the concept of Christian music and what it could sound like. Imagine my surprise then, to find a band like Skillet, who, at the time, bore a striking resemblance to Manson. Don’t believe me? Check out the album “Alien Youth”, especially the track “Rippin Me Off”.… Continued →

November 25, 2018

Review: Memphis May Fire - Broken

Back in May, I was able to catch Memphis May Fire on a show they added to an off night on their tour with Sevendust. I was fortunate enough to have secured a VIP for that show, part of which included a pizza party and getting to listen to the new album well before it was even announced, much less released. While the pizza was good, the listening party aspect was pretty rough; not so much because the album wasn’t any good, but hearing it was a bit of a challenge with everyone hanging out and talking and everything else going on.… Continued →

Review: P.O.D. - Circles

P.O.D. has long been a favorite of mine, and likely the first Christian band I ever listened to. Their successes have made them a staple among hard rock fans in both Christian and secular markets, and despite a less popular album here or there, or even less interest in the hard rock genre in general, the band’s fanbase have continued to remain loyal to the band, a fact easily evidenced by the band’s live shows and the online response to all the latest news, especially where new music is concerned.… Continued →

November 22, 2018

November 14, 2018

Shadow Puncher - Shadow Puncher EP

While this is being described by the label as “Norwegian death metal”, honestly that is a bit misleading.  To my ears, what we have here is a hybrid form of extreme metal.  For instance, you have some down-tuned nu metal rhythms, but they’re heavier than most.  The drum machine lends itself to an almost industrial-meets-groove-metal feel.  Think somewhere between Lucid and Malformed Earthborn, but lighter on the glitches and samples.  Genre-wise this is either really heavy nu-metal or generically “extreme metal.” The first song (if we don’t include the spoken opening track) has a really annoying “bree bree bree” section that I really hope is a poor attempt at humor, as it really seems to serve no other purpose. … Continued →

November 12, 2018

Review : Meadows - In Those Days & Also After Pt. I

If you have not yet heard of the Melodic/Post Hardcore band Meadows from Birmingham, Alabama, then this ep is a great place to start. This band has been active since 2012. This is their 4th release to date that is the first volume of a 3 part story of tragedy, perserverance, and hope found in a hopeless time. (This review is short due to the fact that words themselves cannot do this release justice, but to give you an idea of what it entails. Recommend listening to yourself.)… Continued →

November 9, 2018

Emery - Eve

(Actual album cover in review. Edited Cover provided by our friends at JesusFreakHideout ) The southern emo/screamo/rock/alternative/however you decide to classify them boys have returned after three years from their last full length release. You’ve read the controversy, you’ve seen it, and so what is there to say about this album? Well, a lot. “Is This The Real Life” sets the general tone of Eve; and that is mellow and thoughtful. The lyrics of the song at first seem to be rather ambiguous in form of stream-thought.… Continued →

November 2, 2018

Desiring Dead Flesh - That Suuck'd

For those who don’t know, Desiring Dead Flesh are a 3-piece hardcore punk band from Michigan, entirely made up of family members Bryan (vocals, father), Adam (drums, son), and Ravyn (guitar, daughter). Yep, just drums, guitar and vox—no bass or anything else. This is raw, fast punk rock. While it would be tempting to think this is simplistic, that would be missing the mark. The rhythms are much more complex, angular, and asymmetrical to be simple. Raw, yes, but not simplistic. What’s interesting is how difficult it is to find a point of comparison.… Continued →

October 21, 2018

Ascending King - Funeral of the Species

Ascending King is a one-man extreme metal project from Texas. Stylistically it’s a straight-up 50/50 mix of raw black metal and funeral doom. What’s strange about that mix is just how incredibly well it works here. Slower tempos overall and crushing heaviness reminiscent of sludge without the leftfield tendencies of that subgenre, but with occasional mid-paced blastbeats? Mid-paced blastbeats you say? That’s an oxymoron! You’re right, it certainly is, but there’s no other way to describe certain sections of the aptly-named Funeral of the Species. Really attentive listeners, and readers-of-liner-notes may recognize the name Ruah (Hebrew for ‘spirit’ or ‘wind’) as a temporary member of Elgibbor, filling in on guitar and BGVs on spot dates for the Polish legends.… Continued →

October 18, 2018

Lo Tom - Lo Tom

This is a fun record, that’s really easy to listen to. It’s not really ground-breaking, just straight-forward indie rock with really warm guitar tones. While there’s not a lot of distinction between the guitar and bass, for some reason that’s not a bad thing, it just adds to the simplicity. Most readers probably already realize Lo Tom is basically an indie rock supergroup, featuring: David Bazan (Pedro the Lion, Headphones, solo), TW Walsh (Pedro the Lion, The Soft Drugs, solo), Trey Many (Velour 100, His Name is Alive, Liquorice, TW Walsh), and Jason Martin (Starflyer 59, Bon Voyage, Dance House Children, White Lighter).… Continued →

September 19, 2018

Fit For A King - Dark Skies

Over the last 5 years, there hasn’t been many bands in the metal scene to remain as active as the growing juggernaut that is Fit For A King. With this fifth release, the band brings all of their strengths to the front and showcase their heaviest work yet. As is the case with every album the band has put out since signing with Solid State Records, the record boasts of a crisp and clean production that is sought for by many, but in one way or another, too few achieve.… Continued →

September 16, 2018

September 9, 2018

Outrage AD - New Blood

Having initially formed in 1992 as simply Outrage, the band released 2 independent releases by 1995 when they sadly broke up. Reuniting as the newly-christened Outrage AD in 2013, the band quickly began work on New Blood. On this debut the Canadian band apportion some classic thrash metal, with touches of crossover and groove metal. The 8-song full-length brings to mind mid-paced thrashers Thresher as well as Overkill, Bloody Cross, Detritus and Ultimatum. Their mostly-shouted vocals (hence the nod to Scott Waters of Ultimatum) occasionally employ a bit of death growls as well.… Continued →

August 31, 2018

August 18, 2018