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Describe Elgibbor to people who may not be overly familiar with the band?

Elgibbor is my solo project. I would describe the music as kind of an atmospheric/Celtic black metal with a biblical theme.

What inspired you to do Elgibbor?

I was in a band at the time and just felt inspired to start a solo project with my own style of music based on my life’s experiences and texts from the Bible.

How did you come up with the name Elgibbor?

Elgibbor is the Hebrew/Aramaic word for “God Almighty”. I was studying a hebrew Bible and came across this name and liked it enough to make it the name of my solo project.

How is your music received in the Christian music scene?

Those that understand the purpose and message behind this style of music accept it readily. Those that believe that this kind of music, no matter what the lyrics say, are not of God, don’t accept it quite as willingly.

Do you have any plans on putting whole band together so you can play live shows?

Right now I don’t have plans to do this. For now it will just remain my solo project but who knows what the future may hold!

Tell us about where Elgibbor is headed right now.

I just finished a new album called “War” and will be taking a break after it’s release. I’m not quitting by any means, just taking a break for now (I’m expecting a new addition to my family very soon!)

How important is the Christian aspect of the band? Do you consider Elgibbor to be a ministry?

To be honest my Christian faith is the foundation of my band. I would consider it a ministry in that I want people to see that they can like and listen to this kind of music without having to have their heads filled with all the lyrics about death, drugs, suicide and hopelessness.

Your last album Repent or Perish is quite an interesting album, are you happy with it yourself?

Yes, I’m happy with the way it turned out and the response when it was released.

I see you have a new album coming out soon call “War”. Could you tell us a little bit about it? When the release date on this?

This album is based on spiritual warfare between our souls and the powers of darkness. A lot of the songs are from my life experiences and the rest are taken from the Bible. It’s expected to release in March 2009.

What has the experience of working with Open Grave Records been like for you? Any other new albums coming up?

I’m more than happy with all the work I’ve done with Open Grave Records. Absolutely no complaints and no regrets! I’m planning on continuing on with Elgibbor after my “break” that I mentioned earlier. We will see what the future holds!

What should people know about Fire, the man?

People should know that I am simply that; a man. I produce music as my passion but also as a way to share my experiences and changes in life that have shaped and formed who I am today. I don’t ever write empty lyrics. My lyrics are written based on things that I have lived through and situations that God has saved me from. None of this is just “tongue and cheek” so to say. It is who I am. If you were to meet me in person, you would see the same man that is portrayed in my music.

Do you have any final comments? Thanks for the interview!

I guess I’d just like to say thanks everyone for your passion and support! Stay strong in the Lord and in His mighty power!!

Web site: Elgibbor

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